Christchurch earthquake- some thoughts by Benny

Just thought you might like my thoughts re: Christchurch earthquakes...and your comments most welcome.
I believe the quakes have been deliberately created by psychopathic scientists playing with scalar electromagnetic wavelength technology…let me explain…
First of all, it wasn’t that long ago when commoners around the globe (like Benny) mentioned ‘New World Order’, the global media empire branded me a conspiracy theorist! Yet now, many politicians are using the exact same term in everyday speech…and they have been doing so since back in August 1990 when then US President George Bush (senior) condemned the Iraq invasion of Kuwait by solemnly declaring on international TV…”This invasion threatens the New World Order” …Now a New World Order is not the same as a New Country Order, so referring to a New Order that extends past the boundaries of one’s own country, surely means Global Order!
A ‘New World Order’ in the making can no longer be denied as something on a grand scale sure is going on around the world these days…politicians across the globe are all implementing common universal policy (called ’privatization’ in some countries and ‘capitalization’ in others) and it makes no difference what it’s called, the outcome of the policy is the same…national infrastructure and assets owned by the tax-paying masses are stripped and sold offshore to political cronies in the global lodge…Why? …It has been said”Control a nations assets, you control the nation…control the nations food, you control the people” And this one of the major aims this ‘New World Order’ is about…global dominance and ownership by some despotic few. The idea is to create such a global imbroglio state that the masses will gladly give up their rights, freedoms and liberties to follow someone whom could step forward to clean up and bring peace and prosperity to the world…enter their ‘One World Masonic Leader’


Now consider…when we add a room onto an existing house it is called a renovation but if we want to completely change the whole house we have to knock down the existing house first and this is what the New World Order construction gang are doing to the infrastructure on planet Earth.

The rules of the game…

Only two main political parties paying obeisance to global corporate bankers are allowed to dominate Government’s and chosen marionettes are mandated to connive together for the same global ideology policy  (like a right and left arm, although opposites, are still connected and still work together for the common good of the body) and through public debate and charade appear to the masses like good cop’s and bad cop’s.

 …‘Order’ out of ‘Chaos’ therefore…‘Chaos must come first before we get Order’ and if there is no chaos, ‘create some’…the politics are worked as synchronized compromising agreements…

Thesis   V   Anti-thesis

= Sync-thesis

Example…Politicians from both main parties collude to raise taxes by XX amount…so the party in power…

1…Strikes the new tax rate at XXX

2…Opposition lobby X amount

3…Compromise is struck at XX





Or more commonly these days…

1…Restrict people’s freedoms

2…People riot

3…Martial law

Whichever way the politics is viewed, these charades are a sure way of getting policy rammed through statutory books. In other words, change is effected via dialectic struggle wither the masses want or even need change but change is the name of the game and that is how they are re-shaping the planet into a New World Order…Two steps forward, one step back, but always advancing…They deliberately create the chaos in the first place, then ride in like the Calvary pretending to be the good guys who will save the day and all damage paid for by the common tax payer after the perpetuators have taken massive loans of worthless credit conjured from thin air from their mates in privately owned International Banks to necessitate cash flow for the fix and repair and to finance the affluent lifestyles of the global construction gang.

…And what a joke…if opposition parties are supposed to be each other’s enemy, how come when an opposition party gets into power they become privy to all national security secretes, sensitive documentation and think-tank policy? (How often does unfavourable policy have a habit of being leaked to the press, then denied by some Minister in charge, then implemented and made law!)…And yet the State does not have power or jurisdiction over a sovereign living breathing person such as you or I dear fellow global citizen to tax us in the first place because the State did not create us, but the State gets away with all this abuse because the masses lack the knowledge to understand all the deception…actually, ‘Cannon Fodder’ is the term the New World Order builders use to describe the commoners of the World.


What tools are New World Order builders using?

We know they construct chaos with terrorism and debt (Grand civil monuments to themselves are approved without public consultation and taxpayers/ratepayers are expected to pick up the tab for the construction loans 'after completion') and mostly do things back to front...remember the mid-1980 Russian reforms under Mikhail Gorbachev...first came Perestroika (restructuring) then came Glasnost (open discussion)

...But what about adverse weather manipulation with Scalar Electromagnetic Wavelength Technology (Russian version) and High Frequency Active Auroal Research Project (H.A.A.R.P…US version)


What?!…Surely man cannot control the weather?

 The Taranaki Daily News…

Wednesday, May 18, 2005   page 8

…‘Today in History’

 1977- The US, the Soviet Union and 29 other nations sign UN pact banning artificial use of the weather as a weapon of war, pledging never to attack each other by triggering storms, earthquakes or tidal waves. 


(The actual treaty can be studied from the United Nations 31st session 95th plenary meeting 10 December 1976   A/RES/31/72)


The principle is simple enough…it’s just a bigger version of your common kitchen microwave and you know what your little kitchen microwave can do! But instead of bombarding food particles, they bombard atmospheric or subterranean particles with a bigger appliance. IT’S THAT SIMPLE! And its not hard to understand…As we all know, the earth is a giant spinning dynamo that naturally produces tornado’s, droughts, floods, cyclones and earthquakes…and does so with the energy coming from its own generated supply resonating at 8.73 Hertz.

All man has done, is calculate the frequently of the earths energy output and made electrical transmitting machinery to mimic earth. This is a proven reality!


Let us now examine how scientists could create a major disaster, like the ‘once in a 500-year flood’ that hit the Midwest of the USA back in 1993…but before we do, we need to define two very important terms. Remember, this ‘Weather Weapons' technology has been developed behind the simple idea of adding immense levels of concentrated energy, especially E.L.F. (Extremely Low Frequency) to the atmosphere. Stop to think of the importance of energy to a Tornado, a Lightning-storm, or a Cyclone. Obviously, if you could add tremendous energy to the atmosphere, you could possibly simulate the manner in which storms are naturally created. Scientists have developed two very different ways in which to throw enormous amounts of energy into the atmosphere.


HAARP...HighFrequencyActiveAuroalResearch Project.

HAARP is a "secret undertaking that is not unlike the Manhattan Project which gave us the atomic bomb."

("Angles Don't Play This HAARP", by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Earthpulse Press, Alaska, 1995, p. 5.)

HAARP irradiates the atmosphere with enormous levels of ELF radio waves. In addition to altering weather patterns and creating storms, HAARP is also known to change the way in which the human mind operates and even lower our resistance to disease (through interference with the electrical activity our brains produce during operation)

HAARP towers look much like regular Ham-radio antenna towers but they specialize in ELF radio waves. While these types of towers are located in many parts of the world, America has constructed the largest array of towers in the world in Gakona, Alaska.

HAARP provides the ability to put "unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth's atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed (in a like manner as simply directing radar) and far more precise and better controlled than the detonation of nuclear devices.

HAARP is the largest ionospheric heater in the world, located at latitude most conducive to putting ‘Eastland's invention into practice.’ Thus, Alaska provides just the right location on Earth for such an ionospheric heater that can be used to control and manipulate the weather as a weapon.

HAARP towers cover 40 acres, and are connected directly to a gas field, thus giving uninterrupted and cheap power to the turbines that power these fields.

HAARP in Alaska is created to "beam 1.7 gigawatts (that is 1.7 billion watts…and we think a 100 watt light-bulb is bright) of radiated power into the ionosphere, the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere."

HAARP also differs from all other ionospheric heaters in the world, whereas all other ionospheric heaters diffuse the ELF waves into the atmosphere, HAARP uniquely focuses the signal from many, if not all, the 40 acres of towers into one spot in the atmosphere!

HAARP provides the capability to create cyclones by redirecting upper level Jet Streams down to ground level.

HAARP is the ultimate weapon and has made nuclear missiles obsolete…HAARP can destroy any nuclear missile by cooking flight control and arming systems before a missile can be deployed.

HAARP became fully functional in early 1993.

Nb…always look 180 degrees (complete opposite direction) from what politicians say, because that direction will usually be closer to the truth…as in the case of HAARP, global commoners were convinced to look towards space for ex-President Ronald Regan’s ‘Star-Wars’ anti-nuclear missile defense shield…when in fact America’s anti-nuclear missile defense shield was being assembled on the ground!


GWEN...Ground Wave Emergency Network.

These are huge towers that have as many as 100 copper wires fanning out at the base of the tower system underground. The Defence Department built these systems with the cover story that they would be useful for communication during and after a nuclear strike. But, that story will not hold up when you understand that a thermonuclear blast at the right altitude will completely fry all communications equipment, and will render it impossible to communicate by radio at all for several hours or never. What GWEN towers really do is to work in conjunction with HAARP transmitters to create storms and alter weather patterns.


Did you know that there are huge "rivers of water" in our atmosphere? Reginald E. Newell of M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) wrote in the "Geophysical Research Letters Journal" that rivers of water flow in the lower atmosphere.

These "rivers" are not actually condensed water, but are vapours that really flow. In other words, man cannot see them, nor realize when he is flying an airplane through them. But, these vapour rivers are enormous. Their flows rival the actual flow on Earth of the mighty Amazon River. These rivers of vapour are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. These rivers of water are 1.9 miles above the earth (about 10,000 feet) and have volumes of 165 million kilograms of water (340 million pounds per second) Scientists further discovered that there are five (5) atmospheric rivers in the Northern Hemisphere and five (5) more in the Southern Hemisphere. Each of these 10 rivers carries these flow rates.

Now that we know there are rivers of water 1.9 miles above the surface and one or more of them transverse the United States, how does one best create a massive 500-year flood? The easiest way of course, would be to throw up a dam that would prevent the vapour river from going on its normal way, thus causing huge amounts of vapour to bank-up, condense, then dump as rainfall!  The question of the hour is, how can one create a "dam" in the atmosphere?

Scientists have discovered that… ELF generation can cause an electronic dam to be created in the atmosphere!

An artificial dam formed from a combination of HAARP and electronic GWEN towers created those massive once-in-a-500-year floods.

(Interestingly… Scientists left this ELF transmission on for 40 days and 40 nights…and like naughty schoolboys breaking windows with catapult’s, these new-age global murderers will get their up-and-commence in due time)

GWEN towers stretch on a rough north-south line along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and of course, these rivers were the ones that produced the enormous flooding of 1993 and the accompanying storm caused agricultural losses in the staggering range of $12-15 billion!

Not too long after this flood had ended, we heard news reports about how silly it is for people to continually build and re-build in flood prone areas. These reports said…it would be wiser to not re-build homes in an area subject to flooding. Naturally, with more fine-tuning and more of these devastating floods and other ‘natural disasters’, we will be hearing more of that sort of rhetoric from none other than Presidents and Prime Ministers around the Globe…That is part of the Plan! …Come to think of it, did we not hear the same words following Hurricane Andrew and Katrina? Of course we did! ...and recently in NZ, have we not read in daily newspapers and heard this sort of talk from politicians and civil leaders over the Christchurch earthquakes also?


The most brilliant propaganda technique must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over…Adolf Hitler.

…’Global Warming’ used to be the catch phrase until that was debunked, now it is ‘Climate Change’


These unprecedented destructive weather conditions are designed to persuade people that they must relocate to other safer areas. These ‘safer’ areas have already been selected and no one will have a say as to whether they want to move there. Since this ELF technology can also create unlimited earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, it is of no surprise to see that GWEN towers are located in California along the great earthquake faults and the volcanic areas of the Pacific Northwest. It is one thing for a person to live in an earthquake prone area, thinking that they will just take their chances with earthquakes. After all, the chances of an earthquake occurring in just the right spot, at just the right time, to kill you and your family are historically very low. However, it is another matter entirely to think that you are living within the ’rifle scope’ of a military scientist aiming the most terrifying weapon ever created right at you and your family!


…So why isn’t this technology being used for creating the World’s optimum weather for growing crops? …Because the global new-age agnostic policy makers and enforcers entrenched in government and civil infrastructure around the world believe there are too many people on the planet now so see no benefit to the earth to encourage the production of more crops (and why crops are also taken from the food chain these days to make bio-fuels) And as these global reconstruction psychopaths believe in reincarnation, they want to reduce the world’s population by 66% to make sure there will be sufficient global resources like (minerals, oil, timber) available for when they come back. This is why so much public land has already been legislated away and land-banked from the ordinary people of the world in the form of World Heritage sanctuaries, National Parks, Wildlife Reserves and SNA’s (Significant National Area’s)

For the diversion,radical environmental groups have been created to push the barrow that ‘Gaia’ (Gaia…the occult name for Mother Earth) is in real trouble because of the pollution from Industrial Civilization and this why we have the ‘Global Warming’ scam. This repeated lie by ‘scientists’ from groups such as Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Scientists For Responsible Growth and Friends of the Earth, has resulted in many people around the world believing the lies. In 1992 this nonsense led to the Sustainable Earth conference held in Rio De Janerio in which President Bush, Sr., signed the protocol that later produced the Kyoto Accords. If and when these accords are ever fully implemented, the cost will slowly force Industrial Nations to borrow large quantities of International credit and to pay for the loans…raise taxes, local body rates, resource consents, tariffs and levies to ward off national bankruptcies and the flow-on end result will be the confiscation of all private property after there are no more state resources and assets left to steal through privatization and all done under the guise of the 1972 United Nations Biodiversity Protection program…yes, the global New World Order construction has been in progress for quite awhile.


The UN’s secret agenda through ‘environmentalism’ and ‘sustainable development’ is very esoteric and has deceived a lot of well-meaning people. Most people genuinely want to protect the environment and ensure that the earth’s resources are ‘sustainable’ for future generations there is no doubt. But the global Fabian Socialist goal of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘environmentalism has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the environment…it is all about abolition of property rights and ultimately, ‘collectivization’ of global resources, and land under Global Corporate State control.

Under this system, farmers and property owner’s rights will be effectively extinguished and overridden by strict ‘Environmental’ and ‘Sustainable Development’ resource consents and laws. Farmers will be told where they can farm, what ‘sustainable land’ they may develop, what trees they can plant or cut down, what fertilizer if any they may apply and they will need ‘consents’ and ‘licenses’ for everything under the sun…and this is the real reason the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) is being pushed around the globe today.

It is not pollution from over-population and Industry that is causingadverse global weather, yet the agricultural masses that provide the world’s food are being blamed for the perceived climate change because methane emission from livestock (farts) has been judged as the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas and why farmers are being coned to pay for the global clean up…why are the mighty migrating herds in wild Africa not factored into the ETS equation? …Oh that’s right, poor African’s have no money to pay taxes!

…And Politicians won’t blame global warming on the western urban sprawl either (although every family-sized car injects 20 tons of carcinogenic exhaust into the atmosphere per year and Industrial manufacturing emission and commercial aircraft exhaust pollute the environment far more than daisy and her cousins chewing their cud in a paddock could ever match) in case factory’s close and the unemployed masses riot…

(Taking the logic that livestock methane is the major cause for global warming, they may tell us next that back in Prehistoric times when caveman Ali Oop first discovered fire, he must have struck the flint that ignited all the Dinosaur methane to cause the global holocaust and subsequent extinctions!) 

But city dwellers will still be in the same dire predicament…they will have their assets confiscated due to foreclosure’s after they fail to keep up with rising interest rates on mortgage/credit activities and the costs of food due to the global food producers (Farmers) passing on their ETS costs for food production…urban people will also be severely fined if they cut down a heritage tree, wash their car, boat or dishes using detergent, or for using the global corporation’s privatized water when they shouldn’t, especially if they were nabbed under their friendly “Neighbourhood Watch Scheme” (the scheme first implemented in the Soviet Union)…Socialism is very subtle.


The June 25, 1993, issue of Science magazine reports that the plan for America calls for 23.4% of the land to be put into wilderness (This whole diabolical plan literally conceives getting people off their land so huge areas of the world can be set aside where no humans can live, be allowed to live, work, or play) and 26.2% into corridors and human buffer zones (very limited use by humans)." [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 2.] This is 50% of America!!!

…But global populace earmarked for relocation are not likely to leave their generational lands willingly, so how do the New World Order players get global citizens to relocate? …Well, put it this way…if half a dozen category 5 cyclones smashed into your habitation over a time frame of a few months, or you were continually rocked by a series of unexplained earthquakes, would you pack up and leave the district?


This ‘New World Order scenario’ does envision several simultaneous contrived “planned crises" to erupt to scare the living daylights out of the majority of the earths inhabitants.If the land you live on is wanted for the grand scheme, they will use H.A.A.R.P technology to ‘kill three birds with one stone’…

1…Drive you from the land by drought, cyclone, earthquake or flood…

2…Decrease the population…

3…Keep you financially hamstrung paying increased taxes and higher insurance premiums for disaster relief and all blamed onglobal warming/climate change as the reason why you experienced adverse weather!


Sorry...I've HAARP'ed on long enough...have a great day...Later, Benny Bennetts. 



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