Members' Contributions

Heinz Lycklama, also the Galileo Movement

Dear interested parties,

It has been a few months since I issued an update to my report on 
An Independent Analysis of Global Warming (GW). You can find
my latest report (with nine new references [#118 -> 127]) on my web
page at  There are now various independent study
groups that have a very active interest in the GW issue and continually
provide updates as new information becomes available.

NZ should follow Australia by exempting motor fuels from ETS


The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Hon Secretary, Terry Dunleavy MBE, 14A Bayview Road, Hauraki, North Shore City 0622

Phone (09) 486 3859 - Mobile 0274 836688 - Email -

3 July 2011    

Correspondence to the Gisborne Herald

The article in the June 17th paper about the sun going into hibernation
is interesting. It quickly states that, “some”(my word as not all
climate scientists agree), “climate scientists in the US say any drop in
solar output would be more than offset by increases in human greenhouse
gas emissions“. Meaning temperatures would continue to rise. Yet farmers
are warned of possible negative impacts.

The Ice Age is coming... don't panic!

Daily Mail     by Richard Littlejohn

16th June 2011

At last, some good news for polar bears. The world is about
to enter a mini Ice Age. Scientists working for the American
Astrological Society are predicting a significant drop in
solar activity over the next decade.
Last time this happened, between 1645 and 1715, global
temperatures plummeted and the River Thames froze over every

While climate change alarmists insist we are heading for

"The End of an Era?"

By Viv Forbes (

23 May 2011

A personal explanation first:

People seldom recognise major turning points when they occur. At the time they are just another routine event in a crowd of trivial news.

But I was shocked recently by what I believe is a major turning point in Australian industrial history.

Xstrata announced that smelting and refining of Mount Isa copper is to be phased out.

As a young graduate, decades ago, I watched in wonder as men in asbestos suits tapped the glowing copper furnace to release a test sample of molten metal for the metallurgist. I gazed at the huge ladles pouring the molten copper into the casting wheel to form the slabs of blister copper. I saw the heaps of the red metal piled up on the rail siding destined for Townsville. And, as I later walked through the refinery at Townsville, I marvelled at the science, engineering and practical skills under that roof. To see the continuous casting wheel turning molten metal into rod and wire was modern magic.

Why are we paying a carbon tax?

By Donald Offwood

16 June 2011

In terms of the science of climate change, I am a layman, but the questions are simple, so a layman should find easy answers. The IPCC has had many learned scholars gather and present their conclusions as to the involvement of human generated CO2 in the science of climate change and many other learned scholars have held opposing views. Indeed, in August 2009 Dr Vincent Gray of the UN IPCC Expert Reviewers Panel said, ‘There are no plausible arguments currently available which support the view that human greenhouse emissions are having a detectable influence on the climate.’


CO2 is a trace element, about 0.038% of our air, which is essential to the production of all vegetation and food; without it all plants would disappear and we would die very quickly. CO2 is not a problem nor a pollutant; it is an essential gas to our survival. A good argument can be made for increasing CO2 to encourage crop and food production.

Letter from R.C.E. Wyndham to The NZ Listener

14 May 2011

Dear Ms. Stirling

I am a visitor to New Zealand, and only yesterday had sight of your 14 May edition of the New Zealand Listerner with its entertainingly fanciful lead story, accompanied by appropriately lurid graphics.

Since this is a topic which raises much controversy, let me try and see if I can encapsulate in a few lines what it is that you would wish you readers to believe. You propose, it would seem, that marginal increases in the concentrations of what is no more than a trace gas, amounting in total not to 10% of the earth's atmosphere, not even to 5% - nay, not even to 1%. can bring about cataclysmic changes in global climate.

HANSEN NZ VISIT - Climate Fraud from NASA

14 May 2011
James Hansen was one of the 'scientists' involved in what has become known as Climategate - where data was altered and methods were arrogantly concealed from other scientists and from the public. 
Now other NASA 'scientists' are being outed.
Hansen is in NZ now and condemning the NZ government in the popular media. His visit was paid for by a phalanx of left wing, anti development, control freak 'academics' led by former Green party leader Jeanette Fitzsimons - who heats her home with a carbon belching wood stove.

NASA researchers admit adding fake inches to sea level rises. Skeptics denounce desperate attempt to salvage government global warming policies.


In a disturbing development in the ongoing global warming fiasco the U.S. government funded Sea Level Research Group has been given a green light from NASA to exaggerate sea level rises way above actual recorded measurements.The reason? So that policy makers can falsely blame humans for adding to natural rises in sea levels.


Land Mass Rise Used as Excuse to Fiddle Data

The Global Warming Doctrine is Not a Science: Notes for Cambridge 

Václav Klaus, “The Science and Economics of Climate Change Conference”, Howard Theatre at Downing College, University  of  Cambridge,

10 May 2011

Dr James Hansen- letter from Ken

Dr James Hansen (NASA)
Somewhere in New Zealand
Hello Again James
You will remember me, I have written you numerous times over the last three years, suggesting you resign your post at NASA. I have written to the President asking that you be fired for insubordination - as you know.
So now you are planning to launch litigation in various countries, are you?  (attached) The worm has turned, the planet is cooling, and Global Warming/Climate Change has dropped down to the bottom of the pile of the average voter/taxpayer 's concerns.
Well that is just not good enough, is it James - people are no longer feeling the hysteria you promoted so well, parading yourself across the front page of the NY Times for 25 years. Must be a bummer James, after your rock star status, and all that. Must be especially hard, since your 'science' had descended into a religeous ferver, to see your desciples wandering off. I can see why a true believer such as yourself, would try using the court system to enforce your beliefs on an unwilling populace.


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