
Prime Ministers should stop misleading people about "carbon"

NZ Climate Science Coalition press release 16 February 2011

In their references to the "price of carbon" in their discussions the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand should stop misleading people and they should refer to the substance by its correct name carbon dioxide (CO2), the colourless odourless gas which is but a minor trace gas in the greenhouse effect, but which is vitally important to human and plant life on earth. This today from Terry Dunleavy, secretary of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.

What did our grandchildren do to deserve the Prince of Wales?

by James Delingpole    9 February 2011 

Today, in that bastion of liberty and open markets the European Parliament, the Prince of Wales argued fervently for the inalienable right of our children and grandchildren to enjoy a worse standard of living than their parents.

Not, of course, that he put it quite so explicitly:

”There is, surely, no way round the fact that we have to move away from our conventional economic model of growth, based, as it is, on the production and consumption of high-carbon intensity goods.

”We need to meet the challenge of decoupling economic growth from increased consumption in such a way that both the well-being of Nature’s ecology and our own economic needs do not suffer.”

Here's to a Better Year! Let's Shelve the ETS

by Joe Fone    5 February 2011

Why Wind Won't Work.

by Viv Forbes,

Why Wind Won't Work?

  • It's Weaker than Water.

A Submission from the Carbon Sense Coalition to the Australian Senate Enquiry into Wind Farms.
February 2011


  • For a pdf of the full report with pictures and all the gory and depressing details see:
  • Why are governments still mollycoddling wind power?

     There is no proof that wind farms reduce carbon dioxide emissions and it is ludicrous to believe that a few windmills in Australia are going to improve global climate.

     Such wondrous expressions of green faith put our politicians on par with those who believe in the tooth fairy.

    Matthew Hooton: The ETS turns 33: comedy or farce?

    11 February 2011

    It’s 2041.

    Dominating the bureaucracy is the National Bookkeeping Office (NBO), established when the first Key government decided Treasury’s forecasting ability was so poor and its policy advice so unnecessary it should be cut back to its only valuable function.

    The choice of “bookkeeping” instead of “accounting” was one of then-finance minister Steven Joyce’s little jokes, made at the last minute around the Cabinet table.

    The NBO’s largest department is the debt management division (DMD), led by that ultimate mandarin, Sara Goff, and charged with trying to pay off the billions borrowed by the first Key government in the 2010s.

    The UN has Become a Clear Danger to Our Energy Future and National Sovereignty 

    Energy Tribune-

    by Art Horn    8 February 2011

    If you’re like me, a denizen of western civilization, the United Nations has targeted you and me. The crosshairs are trained on how we use energy and the intent is to change our energy generation methods and sources. This is a way for the UN to rule our future.


    The UN firmly and unambiguously believes that using fossil fuels to power our civilization will destroy the climate of the world. Well, at least that’s what they say in public. Christiana Figueres was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held at Cancun Mexico late last year. At the start of the convention she stated “We are all aware of how critical low-carbon growth is. While current energy generation contributes 80 percent of total CO2 emissions, global demand for energy is set to increase by up to 30 percent by 2030, especially in developing countries, which need reliable energy to grow their economies. In order to avoid a technological lock-in that could be disastrous for the next generation, decisions on both energy sources and energy use need to be made now.” (Emphasis ours. Neither I nor many of my friends would be part of that all.) It is interesting that she says “especially in developing countries, which need reliable energy to grow their economies.” Trouble is that wind and solar power, the darlings of the environmentalist religion, are the least reliable energy sources available. The reason she says this is because the debate is not really about energy; it’s about power and not the type that’s generated to make electricity.


    ETS Widening Gap With Australia

    Extracts from Hon John Boscawen's  response to Prime Minister's Statement; Parliament; Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Mr Speaker,

    It is a pleasure to rise on behalf of the ACT Party to respond to the Prime Minister's speech, and I take this opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate the Government on much of what it has done during its first term.

    I say "much", but not all.........................


    Letter to the Editor from Colin M


    Dear Sir,

    Please print the following letter. Thank you.


    Further to my comments under the article “ Meat sector review ‘on the right track‘”,(Straight Furrow Feb 2nd ) I mentioned in my concerns to the meeting the effect the Governments Emissions Trading Scheme could have on many facets of life including the farming industry.

    Professor Karoly, your flood of comments is harming real people

    From: Malcolm Roberts

    Date: 25 January 2011 1:25:54 PM AEST

    To: David Karoly

    Subject: Professor Karoly, your flood of comments is harming real people


    Copied to: 

    Universityof Melbourne

     Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

    Their action will reveal standards to which they aspire for science and for their university.

    Was 2010 the Hottest Year Ever?

    by Brian Sussman     1 January 2011

    According to the world’s best-known climate change mouthpiece, 2010 was the hottest year on record. 

    Wrong.  It’s yet another example of a political activist with a Ph.D. donning a magician’s cape to try pull one over on the audience.

    Last week NASA’s chief temperature trickster, James Hansen, issued a press release claiming, “Global surface temperatures in 2010 tied 2005 as the warmest on record.” 

    Don’t mean to sound like the kid in the front row that informs the cheap magician of a playing card protruding from beneath his shirtsleeve but, “I see the ace up your sleeve, Hansen.”


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