
Gods of climate change

Released 19 Jan 2011

By Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President

With deep snow in the USA, parts of Australia awash and mudslides in Brazil, it's unsurprising we're seeing professors of climate change pinning this ‘evidence' on the climate change donkey. But is it?  Eighty years ago, the world's worst known natural disaster struck China claiming upwards of 2.5 million lives.  Natural disasters are called that because they occur naturally on our dynamic planet.  And with a global population over three times higher than in 1931, it's unsurprising natural disasters impact many more people.  Any ‘sense' of increasing frequency may simply reflect modern communications.  We now know of things in the past we wouldn't have.

While Federated Farmers is talking with our Aussie farming counterparts to see how Kiwi labour could help with recovery, only four years ago, newspapers were reporting "few scientists dispute the part played by climate change, which is making Australia hotter and drier".  The drought breaking is now hailed as ‘evidence' of climate change.  Talk about a dollar each way.

How well has the Media and Government informed the Public about CO2 levels in the Air?

Ask yourself, your friends, family and work associates if they know the answers to the following questions about CO2.

Be sure to write your answers before looking at the pdf file link (below).

Question 1:

What percentage of the atmosphere do you think is CO2?

Question 2:

Have you ever seen the percentage given in any media?

Question 3:

What percentage of the CO2 is man-made?

Changes in the Sun's Surface to Bring Next Climate Change

John Casey, Director of the SSRCJanuary, 2008,   SSRC, USA

Today, the Space and Science Research Center, (SSRC) in Orlando, Florida announces that it has confirmed the recent web announcement of NASA solar physicists that there are substantial changes occurring in the sun's surface. The SSRC has further researched these changes and has concluded they will bring about the next climate change to one of a long-lasting cold era.

Today, has reaffirmed earlier research he led that independently discovered the sun's changes are the result of a family of cycles that bring about climate shifts from cold climate to warm and back again.

Some good questions from Alan Nicholl

This letter is one in a series of interchanges between Alan Nicholl and AGW believer Bob Hughes who have been battling it out in the Gisborne Herald for some weeks now. Alan poses some good questions:

Bob Hughes in his column on 15th January states “a half truth is a lie”.
How true.

Unfortunately for Bob when one considers the climate history
of the last 5,000 years the amount of truth he adheres to, amounts to
about 3% of this time span. Even then the whole truth of this 3% (150
years) time span is never spoken about.

Nick Smith made much of a supposed .9 degree centigrade increase in NZ temperatures over the last century. What he failed to mention was that from 1850 till 1900 temperatures fell up to .5 degree centigrade.

Couple this with a study undertaken by the Climate Coalition, of NIWA’s official temperature record, from which this figure was taken, we find that many of the
meteorological sites recorded falling temperatures over the last
century. Not increasing temperatures. NIWA had to alter them to get an
increasing trend. Where’s the truth in this?

The Queensland floods are not related to anthropogenic global warming

The Queensland floods are a disaster that demands our sympathy and earnest attempts to prevent similar damage in future.  But to do this properly we need to see the floods in the perspective of time, and see the history of flooding.  This is best done by concentrating on the Brisbane region simply because it has the longest historical record.

This record has been admirably collated by the Bureau of Meteorology, and the details can be seen at this site, which gives a blow-by-blow summary of the floods.


How Much of Your Money Wasted on ‘Climate Change’? Try $10.6 Million a Day 

While reading the budget requests for FY 2011, remember to be "civil." 
15 January 2011 by Art Horn

Seems everyone is talking about the massive United States federal deficit and how it has now reached an unfathomable $14 trillion. Is there any way to comprehend such a bloated number? Try this: the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. At that speed a photon of light starts at the surface of the Sun and reaches the Earth in 8 minutes. On Star Trek, the speed of light is warp one — at that speed the Enterprise would travel about 6 trillion miles in one year. If each dollar of the deficit is represented by one mile, it would take the Enterprise more than two years traveling the speed of light to go 14 trillion miles.

So what can we cut out of the federal budget to make any kind of dent in this enormous pile of borrowed money? We could start with the vast sums of cash being wasted on climate change research.

This year, your government will spend in the neighborhood of $4 billion on global warming research, despite the fact that there has been no global warming since 1998, and despite all of the billions that have been spent so far yielding no conclusive evidence that using fossil fuels to make energy has any significant effect on Earth’s temperature.


Climate Depot exchanges

Climate Depot Editorial

From the Washington Post

Global Warming?
The Washington Post

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some  places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to  the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.



I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922.  It was reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 88 years ago!



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