
Why the NZ Government is talking up mining

1. The National Government regards mining as a vital contributor towards making New Zealand as wealthy as Australia.
2. The United Nations has just added 1.6 million square kilometres (six times NZ’s land area) to our exclusive economic zone.
3. NZ’s marine territories extend almost to Tonga and are the fourth largest in the world.
4. Many of NZ’s rich marine deposits lie on the sea floor and require no great excavation.
5. The World Bank ranks New Zealand as second only to Saudi Arabia in natural mineral wealth per capita. Australia is 16th.

New study affirms climate change is natural 

It's nice when people validate your work. Fred Singer and I-co-authors of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years-are currently basking in the glow of a new paper that affirms the earth's long, moderate, natural climate cycle. The study is by Dr. U.R. Rao, former chair of India's Space Research Organization. He says solar variations and cosmic rays account for 40 percent of the world's recent global warming.

Dr. Rao says the data between 1960 and 2005 show lots fewer cosmic rays hitting the earth, due to a periodic expansion of the sun's magnetic field. The bigger solar magnetic field blocked many of the cosmic rays that would otherwise have hit earth. Fewer cosmic rays hitting the earth meant fewer water droplets shattering in our atmosphere, and thus fewer of the low, wet clouds that deflect solar heat back into space. So the earth warmed.

Fred and I tried to tell the world in 2007 that the moderate 1500-year Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle was the cause of the warming since 1850, based on historic and paleoclimatic evidence. The cosmic ray linkage was put forth in 2008 by Henrik Svensmark of Denmark. The UN's panel on climate change dismissed that whole approach, claiming the variations in the sun's irradiance were far too small to account for the rapid warming from 1976-98.


Can't sell global warming? Call it clean energy 

By Dennis Avery

President Obama didn't mention carbon constraints in his State of the Union message. Such carbon constraints would force the nation to give up most of the energy that currently keeps us warm and productive. Instead, the President proposed a new "clean energy" program-which would force the nation to give up most of the energy that currently keeps us warm and productive. A study by the Beacon Hill Institute in Boston estimates the President's "clean energy" proposal might well cost the economy $4 trillion over 20 years, and force huge numbers of U.S. jobs overseas.

Mr. Obama's "new" proposal is obviously being offered as Plan B, since his cap-and-trade proposal failed in the Congress. He obviously hopes to lure some befuddled House Republican votes to pass it. The President is not "moving to the middle." Instead he is playing bait-and-switch. Either cap-and-trade or "clean energy" would cause chaos in the American economy. Remember his desperate efforts to pass Obama-care, complete with the payoffs to key Senators?  He is rigidly persistent!


New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests


Tito Herrera for The New York Times

NEW GROWTH Marta Ortega de Wing once raised pigs in Chilibre, Panama, on land now reverting to nature, a trend dimming the view of primeval forests as sacred.



.A lot you haven't told us 

DEAR Prime Minister Gillard, Thank you for making the weather nicer by forcing us to pay more for everything. Who knew that fixing the global climate was so simple? Still, one or two questions remain about your new plan and a few related matters.

Yours in climate justice,


= = = = =

* BY how much will your carbon dioxide tax reduce Australia's temperature?

* IF after five years there has been no recorded decline in temperature, will the tax be abandoned?


Australian Carbon Tax

CANBERRA - Death threats and electoral backlash against independent MPs crucial to Prime Minister Julia Gillard have underlined the dangerously fragile path that lies ahead of the minority Labor Government.

Pressure on two pivotal New South Wales independents - Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott - has mounted since they supported Gillard after last year's election, and has accelerated with plans for a carbon tax.


Labor loses key carbon supporter Heather Ridout


Where are 'green economy' jobs?

WorldNetDaily- Roger Hedgecock-28 February 2011

The frigid winds of recession continue to blow for too many Americans trapped between lower income and rising prices. Too many Americans owe more on their house than it is worth; health-care reform promises have turned to ash as many more are hit with health insurance premium increases or lose their coverage.

The rosy "recovery" rhetoric in the Obama media is a Potemkin village. For increasing numbers of Americans, from pensioners to college grads, the American dream is a sad memory.

Two wars grind on. Yearly trillion-dollar federal deficits stretch far into the future, piling up an Everest of debt – and that's the optimistic projection. Neither political party seems grounded in the reality that our standard of living cannot be maintained for much longer by borrowing to pay for it.

Cutting emissions without regulations


Published on on February 21, 2011

While the federal Environmental Protection Administration is about to impose regulations and taxes on carbon emissions by executive fiat - in the name of stopping global climate change - the United States has already dramatically cut its emissions and probably has already complied with the Kyoto/Copenhagen goals for reduced emissions.  And this has been done without taxes, without regulations, and without government intervention.

Arctic ice melting

The Arctic Ocean is warming, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unhead-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.

Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.


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