
More on Climategate

Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:54 PM
The Obama administration might think Climategate is a nonevent, but
on Monday, Pennsylvania State University announced it was launching
an investigation into the academic conduct of Michael Mann, director
of the school's Earth System Science Center. Yesterday, it was
announced that Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit
(CRU) at the University of East Anglia, would step aside while his
university conducts an investigation. With so much fraud being
exposed in the academic community that studies and promotes
global-warming theories, an example has to be made of someone.


Cap and Trade melts in Australia

Heat of Intellectual Climate Change Responsible

by Tom Minchin


"If you don't understand [the ETS], you shouldn't vote for it. If you do understand it, you'd never vote for it."

"The [climate change] argument is absolute crap."

—Tony Abbott, new leader of the Australian Liberal Party


The Australian Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Australia's version of "cap and trade," has been rejected by the Australian Senate for a second time. This time, the public opposition to the bill was more intense and better informed; a government pushing such a bill again will risk losing office.

In a perfect stroke of timing, the defeat comes ahead of the attempt to trap the US into agreeing to a massive transfer of wealth and sovereignty to the UN at Copenhagen next week. Australia was supposed to commit an act of economic suicide to set an example.


Climate scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009; 3:45 PM


A scientist who is one of the central figures in the controversy over hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit announced Tuesday that he is stepping down while the university investigates the incident.

Climate skeptics have seized on several e-mails from Phil Jones, director of the university's Climatic Research Unit, to other researchers as evidence that prominent scientists have sought to silence their voice in the debate over global warming. The e-mails were pirated and posted online last month.


Aussie ETS dumped, what now for New Zealand?

Federated Farmers Media release

2 December 2009


The Opposition controlled Australian Senate has voted down the Australian Emissions Trading scheme for a second time - 41 votes to 33.  Being a second rejection, it is now likely to trigger a double dissolution election, likely to be held in March 2010.
“The fate of the Australian ETS is now up in the air and all pretence of alignment with New Zealand’s is gone with it,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.

The Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation

TIA Daily

Commentary by Robert Tracinski

1. "The Worst Scientific Scandal of Our Generation"

Climategate has now started to become fodder for satire, including an amusing new song from Minnesotans for Global Warming (whom you may remember from a previous song extolling the benefits of global warming for residents of northern Minnesota).

The Daily Telegraph's James Delingpole—whom the paper credits with first using the term "Climategate"—has a follow-up post on the best "dog ate my homework" excuses from global warming advocates.

If Climate “Researchers” Became Doctors

Posted by Tom Naughton in Media Nonsense, People Are Nuts, Politics


“Step up on the scale, Mr. Naughton.”

“Sure, Doctor. I’m looking forward to seeing this myself.”

“Let’s see … slide this over a bit … hmm, pretty bad. Your weight is up again.”

“Uh … Doctor, you mind getting your foot off the scale?”

Martin Gibson

New Zealand politicians have an inglorious history of sacrificing our people and surrendering national sovereignty in the hope of getting trade windfalls, then framing it in terms of the global good.
In World War 1, New Zealanders were placed under the command of Britain’s aristocrat generals, who grimly marched them toward
machine guns to put on jolly good shows, then ordered them shot when they got shell shock.
The sacrifice of our best and brightest was necessary to maintain the freedom and dignity of humanity, we were told, and the men running the show lied about Germans bayoneting babies until we policed ourselves, handing white feathers to those who dared question the orgy of death.

Letter from Christopher Essex to Daniel Henninger

Quadrant Magazine

December 7, 2009

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by Daniel Henninger critical of scientists who allowed the culture of Climategate to develop in their professions.

Christopher Essex, a leading Canadian applied mathematician and award-winning author, has written to Henninger. 

Dear Daniel

My friend Willie Soon passed on an article from your “Wonder Land” column. It’s very good. It is an angle that I have anticipated for a very long time.

Wonderland is certainly where I have been trapped for more than twenty years. But it is not nearly as nice as Alice’s version. Thoughts of the inquisition come to mind instead.

Scientists Behaving Badly

A corrupt cabal of global warming alarmists are exposed by a massive document leak.
by Steven F. Hayward

Slowly and mostly unnoticed by the major news media, the air has been going out of the global warming balloon. Global temperatures stopped rising a few years ago, much to the dismay of the climate campaigners. The U.N.'s upcoming Copenhagen conference--which was supposed to yield a binding greenhouse gas emissions reduction treaty as a successor to the failed Kyoto Protocol--collapsed weeks in advance and remains on life support pending Obama's magical intervention. Cap and trade legislation is stalled on Capitol Hill. Recent opinion polls from Gallup, Pew, Rasmussen, ABC/Washington Post, and other pollsters all find a dramatic decline in public belief in human-caused global warming. The climate campaigners continue to insist this is because they have a "communications" problem, but after Al Gore's Nobel Prize/Academy Award double play, millions of dollars in paid advertising, and the relentless doom-mongering from the media echo chamber and the political class, this excuse is preposterous. And now the climate campaign is having its Emperor's New Clothes moment.


Column - Will Rudd pay the UN $7 billion?


Andrew Bolt Blog
Andrew Bolt
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 07:20am
NEXT month Kevin Rudd flies to Copenhagen to help seal a United Nations deal to cut the world’s emissions - and to make Australia hand over part of its wealth
So keen is the Prime Minister to get this new global-warming treaty signed that he’s been appointed a “friend of the chairman” to tie up loose ends.
So here’s the question: is Rudd really going to approve a draft treaty that could force Australia to hand over an astonishing $7 billion a year to a new and unelected global authority?


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