
Damn Hockey’s soul

Andrew Bolt

Monday, November 30, 2009 at 09:35am



You think Joe Hockey will be much better on Kevin Rudd’s Great Green Tax on Everything - or in much else?

Glenn Milne describes the man’s agonising over what to do aboutl a tax that will do nothing but cost Australians money and jobs, and which is opposed by most Liberals:

Behind closed doors Hockey has already been wrestling with the dilemmas raised by Turnbull… He has recognised that if even for the moment he pushes off the ETS to a Senate inquiry how does he deal with it after that and stay true to himself? ”Can I sell my soul? “ he has asked colleagues.

What? A Great Green Tax involves his soul?  How about involving his brain instead?

The Dog Ate Global Warming

by Patrick J. Michaels

This article appeared on National Review (Online) on September 23, 2009.

Interpreting climate data can be hard enough. What if some key data have been fiddled?

Imagine if there were no reliable records of global surface temperature. Raucous policy debates such as cap-and-trade would have no scientific basis, Al Gore would at this point be little more than a historical footnote, and President Obama would not be spending this U.N. session talking up a (likely unattainable) international climate deal in Copenhagen in December.

Steel yourself for the new reality, because the data needed to verify the gloom-and-doom warming forecasts have disappeared.


Revenge of the Climate Laymen

Global warming's most dangerous apostate speaks out about the state of climate change science.


Barack Obama conceded over the weekend that no successor to the Kyoto Protocol would be signed in Copenhagen next month. With that out of the way, it may be too much to hope that the climate change movement take a moment to reflect on the state of the science that is supposedly driving us toward a carbon-neutral future.

But should a moment for self-reflection arise, campaigners against climate change could do worse than take a look at the work of Stephen McIntyre, who has emerged as one of the climate change gang's Most Dangerous Apostates. The reason for this distinction? He checked the facts.


"Forecasting is difficult: particularly about the future"  This piece of wisdom is attributed to Yogi Bear.  But it does not apply to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, since they do not make "forecasts" at all, only "projections".  As they make clear, "projections" are dependent on the correctness of the assumptions made by the computer models and the futures scenarios from which they are made.
This has not always been so. In the first IPCC Report (1990). on the first page of the "Executive Summary" there was nearly a whole page headed " Based on current model results, we predict" with no less than ten actual "predictions".They used the phrase "models predict" several times throughout, but they did, at least admit that there were "uncertainties". 

More Argument Against Emissions Trading -Heather Roy

Heather Roy's Diary

Hon Heather Roy, ACT Deputy Leader 
Saturday, November 8 2009

This week another compelling argument was raised against the need for an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), this time in a New Zealand Institute of Economic Research Inc (NZIER) report titled 'Sustainable Development: Have We Got Our Priorities Right?'


The report looked at our current sustainable development policy "in light of international approaches to sustainability which focus on maintaining stocks of natural, physical, institutional and human capital" and examines our environmental priorities against:


* Scale of the value at risk


* Immediacy of threat


* Coverage


* Uniqueness


* Controllability

Climate change belief given same legal status as religion


By Stephen Adams and Louise Gray
Published: 3:11PM GMT 03 Nov 2009

An executive has won the right to sue his employer on the basis that he was unfairly dismissed for his green views after a judge ruled that environmentalism had the same weight in law as religious and philosophical beliefs.

In a landmark ruling, Mr Justice Michael Burton said that "a belief in man-made climate change ... is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief for the purpose of the 2003 Religion and Belief Regulations".

The ruling could open the door for employees to sue their companies for failing to account for their green lifestyles, such as providing recycling facilities or offering low-carbon travel.

Global Bully Rudd fights for foreign committee, against citizens

 By Joanne Nova  November 11, 2009

The world is considering a new financial market larger than any commodity, it’s “based on science”, but if you ask for evidence, you’re called names—“Denier”, and by our Prime Minister, no less.  This is supposed to pass for reasoned debate?

Gore's Spiritual Argument on Climate

BB News What's Up?

02 November 09

Nobel winner adapts fact-based message to reach those who believe they have a moral duty to protect the planet in Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

Al’s Gore’s much-anticipated sequel to An Inconvenent Truth is published today, with an admission that facts alone will not persuade Americans to act on global warming and that appealing to their spiritual side is the way forward.

In his latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, the man who won a Nobel prize in 2007 for his touring slideshow on disappearing polar ice and other consequences of climate change, concludes: “Simply laying out the facts won’t work.”


Livestock emission figures 'grossly exaggerated'

North Queensland Register

06 Nov, 2009 10:32 AM

THE NSW Farmers’ Association says new research shows the contribution of livestock to greenhouse gas emissions has been grossly exaggerated.


President Charles Armstrong says the association welcomes the peer reviewed study by scientists at the University of California as it clears up a lot of issues.


“The study concluded that direct livestock emissions only account for 3pc of global emissions, showing claims currently being made about livestock are farfetched,” Mr Armstrong said.


Intellectual Climate Change Update

TIA Daily  November 5, 2009

While we're all focused on the health-care debate—as we must be—there is an even more important battle looming beyond that one: the battle over global warming and the "cap-and-trade" energy rationing scheme currently being pushed through Congress, as the next item on its agenda after the health-care bill.

I think cap-and-trade represents a much larger and more direct threat to our lives and liberty than socialized medicine, but the good news is that we don't face a trade-off between fighting one issue versus fighting the other. The more we bog down the health-care bill, the more we push back cap-and-trade—and the less likely it is to be passed. Already, congressional leaders have announced a five-week delay in the progress of the cap-and-trade legislation, and some are speculating that the bill might have to be shelved until after the 2010 elections—which is probably as good as killing the thing.

As I have been warning, there is still a very serious danger that the EPA will attempt to impose energy rationing by executive fiat, bypassing Congress altogether. But at least the pro-science, pro-industry side has begun to gain momentum in pushing back the global warming dogma.


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