
Farmers vent anger over ETS inclusion

Marlborough Express 23/04/2010  by Blair Ensor

Agriculture Minister David Carter yesterday received an earful from Marlborough farmers outraged at agriculture being included in the emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The farmers waited for Mr Carter to finish a speech about the scheme at Meadowbank Station in Taylor Pass before unleashing a barrage of questions and statements.

Seddon farmer Michael Davison said he had been an avid supporter of the National Party all his life, but he would never vote for it again because of agriculture's inclusion in the scheme.

"This is bureaucratic bulls.... It's enough for me to sign off from National forever."

He then walked out on the meeting.


Our very own, lonely, trading scheme- Garth George

You would think that men of the intelligence of John Key, Bill English, Nick Smith et al would have the wit to postpone indefinitely the emissions trading scheme which is due to come into effect on July 1.

But no: they seem to have been infected by their predecessors' childish wish to be a "world leader" in the reduction of so-called greenhouse gases.

The futility of this behaviour is increasingly embarrassing since more and more evidence is available that gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have absolutely no effect on global temperatures.

The idea was that New Zealand would develop a scheme to align itself with Australia's, but Australia has wisely deferred its emissions scheme plans sine die.

Our other major trading partners, China and the United States, show no inclination to develop carbon tax regimes, and France late last month abandoned its intention to introduce a carbon tax.


Oh really Nick? Hark back to 2005.....!

Yes, this really is the SAME Nick Smith....!!!!!!

How times do change.

 Read the Nelson/Marlborough Farming Column from 2005:

Friday, 25 November 2005

Nelson/Marlborough Farming Column
December 2005

The appetite of Dr Cullen and this Government for more taxes is legendary, 43 new and increased levies and taxes have been introduced.  The latest is the carbon tax.  It will add 6c per litre to the price of petrol, 7c per litre to diesel, 6% to all power bills and put the price of coal and gas up by 9%.

This week National launches the campaign.  The new finely balanced Parliament gives us the opportunity to send the carbon tax the way of the fart tax.

The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders will be the only people in the world paying it.  It will drive up the costs of living and undermine the competitiveness of New Zealand business for negligible environmental gain.

Labour Ministers may take pride in being toasted at International Climate conferences for being so bold and brave, but there is no justification for New Zealand going out in the cold by itself on this issue. 

Where's the global warming?

The Independent,"London, 15 April 2010 -- Steve Connor, Science Editor 

It was the coldest winter in England since 1963 – the coldest in Scotland since 1914 – and weeks of ice, snow and sub-zero temperatures from last December to March defied predictions by climate-change scientists of milder, wetter winters. So what happened?

One theory suggests that last winter's cold temperatures were part of a pattern that is set to continue because of a complex interaction between the Sun's magnetic field and the high-altitude jet stream which dominates Britain's weather system. The jet stream normally brings mild, damp westerly winds over Britain during winter but this year it went into "blocking" mode, sweeping back on itself and allowing a bitterly cold north-east wind to blow over the country, bringing ice and snow with it.

Letter to the Marlborough Express from Geoff Evans, President, Marlborough Federated Farmers

Dear Editor ,

        On  July 1st  the launch of the Emissions Trading Scheme (or tax) will take place.
MP  Colin King and  Agriculture Minister, David Carter, are holding a public meeting at Meadowbank Station to discuss this legislation on Thursday,  April 22nd at 3.15 pm
 Every body who can should attend.
 Some suggested questions to ask include:
How will this tax impact on people with  low and fixed incomes.?
 How are we all to pay the 5% increase in electricity charges and the 4cents / litre rise in fuel charges- not to mention the increase in inflation generated by these taxes?
 What will be the impact on the very fragile NZ economy?

To Peter Goodfellow (National Party President) by Neil H 9 April 2010


Dear Sir
I will be upfront. I am not a National party member. However I voted National at the last election to get rid of the Labour Government and also to stop having us lead the world in matters of climate change. I am bitterly disappointed with the performance of National in this latter matter, and informed my MP Hon. Anne Tolley she lost my vote at the next election when they rushed through their amendments to the ETS in such indecent haste.
Among the items in my submission to the Select Committee hearing submissions on the amended legislation I said:

Nick Smith’s High Stakes Bet Irresponsible

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Thursday, April 8 2010 


ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today called on Climate Change Issues Minister Hon Dr Nick Smith to explain why the Government is pressing ahead with its ETS, causing irreparable harm to the New Zealand economy, when he’s acknowledged it’s likely to be significantly reworked in 2011.

"Nick Smith admitted today that the Government probably won’t proceed with the ETS if our major trading partners haven’t followed suit by 2011.  With the stakes so high it makes you wonder why we are ‘betting the house’ for something that’s not a sure thing," Mr Boscawen said.

ETS To Cost Dairy Farmers Millions

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Speech on Third Reading, Dairy Industry Restructuring (Raw Milk Pricing Methods) Bill, Wednesday, March 31 2010 


Mr Speaker,

It is a privilege to take a call on the Dairy Industry Restructuring (Raw Milk Pricing Methods) Bill, and as I do so at six minutes to midnight, I wonder how many people are listening into this debate?  How many New Zealanders are following a debate on the pricing of raw milk at six minutes to midnight?

The reason that I am taking this opportunity is, as we have heard this evening, the dairy industry is a very, very important part of New Zealand’s economy.
The Hon Dr Nick Smith told the House that over a quarter of New Zealand’s export earnings come from the dairy industry.  It is the single biggest contributor to our export earnings – no other New Zealand industry is as important.

Well Mr Speaker, I would like to raise a very important issue to the dairy industry – the price of inputs, and one input in particular – the cost of the new ETS tax to dairy farmers.

The Emissions Trading Tax will affect all New Zealanders and dairy farmers in particular from 1 July this year.

The ETS must be delayed

Press Release by Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) at
11:15 am, 08 Apr 2010

The introduction of the Emissions Trading Scheme must be delayed, the
Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.

"The New Zealand economy is in no state to lead the world with an
emissions trading scheme covering the entire New Zealand economy," said
EMA's chief executive Alasdair Thompson.

"In these circumstances EMA recommends the government legislate to align
the entry of our industry sectors into the ETS with those of our trading
partners, once they have their schemes in place.

"Our financial situation is far too fragile to absorb the extra $255
million the government calculates the ETS will cost all of us.

"The cost is effectively another tax that will impact on every family.

"It will come on top of changes to GST, and also higher ACC levies which
are cutting into the take home pay of all employees right now.

"The ETS will also hit hard the competitiveness of many of our leading
industries, including all our major food producing exporters.

"They will face cost increases that their competitors overseas and in
the New Zealand market do not face.

"It will cost jobs.

"New Zealand is the only country in the world to be introducing an ETS
that covers all sectors and all so called greenhouse gases.

"It was disingenuous of Minister Nick Smith to say on Radio New Zealand
this morning that the EU has an ETS in place - theirs covers only four
percent of EU output; ours covers 100 per cent of output.

"His main reason for proceeding now was that not to would lead to
perverse outcomes in the forestry sector.  However forestry could be
incentivised to keep planting under a low level carbon tax which could
be used to give them a credit though not part of an ETS.


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