
“Taxing the Heart out of Australia.”- Carbon Sense

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that the Rudd Resource tax was just another in a long line of taxes helping to depopulate rural Australia.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that depopulation of the outback started with the fringe benefits tax and the removal of accelerated depreciation, both of which penalise companies who provide housing for employees.
“Every government since then has accelerated the drift to the coastal and capital cities.

To National Party HQ from Jon H 3 May 2010

National Party Supporters:
I emailed Anne Tolley some time back and told her that we would withdraw our 40 years of support for the National Party if the Emissioms Trading Scam was rammed through Parliament.
Anne did and we have.
Please remove our names from your list of supporters

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Gluckman

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser

Dear Sir Peter

In your address at NIWA on 22 April, you worried that controversies in the field of climate change may be changing the way the public perceives science and scientists.

You were critical of those in the profession who “do not get beyond their biases, or are careless or fraudulent”, and identified the solution as greater transparency – “the scientific enterprise is built on publication, repetition, peer review and the inherent scepticism and questioning of scientists.”


Knowledge and our future- letter from Phil H to news24sevenTV

Dear Editor Ian,
Excuse this long missive. I haven't written for a while, and these issues have been simmering away in my mind.
I like Richard Prosser's blunt approach to fixing our broke country. But he has unusual ideas about the effectiveness of market protection for industry. Last time we had such a system of protection, the NZ consumer paid from twice to hundreds of times as much, for products 10 years or more out of date, compared to in countries with populations that enabled economies of scale. Richard Prosser is right that we cannot just transplant the Hong Kong Mass Transit System onto NZ, because we do not have the population to make it pay; but neither can we transplant Samsung Electronics.
THE "must-read" on this subject, is "From Wool to Weta" by Prof. Paul Callaghan, a Vic Uni nuclear physicist whose views on our anti-nuke laws, would be very agreeable to Richard Prosser. Richard Prosser and Paul Callaghan agree completely on the point that bulk commodities, unprocessed goods, and tourism, are no way to wealth. But you do not get Samsung Electronics by providing its founders with a protected market of 4 million people. What you need are conditions in which smart new internationally competitive businesses can start up and thrive.



BUILDING?   That's  right!


Japanese physicist Dr. Kei Mori exposed plant life to

two of the conditions of the original world ecology -

before the Great Flood.


He grew tomato plants under a plastic dome which

filtered the ultraviolet rays; and he increased the



After two years, a cherry tomato plant was 16 feet tall,

with 903 tomatoes on it. After six years, the same

tomato plant was over 30 feet tall and had produced

over 5,000 tomatoes.


To David Carter from David D- at Marlborough ETS meeting 22nd April 2010


You are a FARMER like US and you know that we are on OUR KNEES and only get 1% return on our assets
You know we only get only 6.5c in every $ we turnover
You know we should be helping Chile, Haiti, and now China after the earthquakes and huge loss of life which is REAL instead of taxing the engine room of this country after removing all our subsidies to the welfare state
You know the Australian and American governments cherish their farmers and do not treat them like a ragdoll and take our vote for granted
You know that the earth in past history has heated up many times and that CO2 has more than doubled and caused by meteorites, gamma rays and volcanoes and not by animals.
You know that India has 200million cattle against our 5 million and is not taking any part in any global alliance.

Forty years of Earth Day, and Armageddon no closer

Andrew Bolt- 23 April 2010

I Hate The Media says there are some good reasons not to believe the gloomy predictions you heard yesterday on Earth Day.

Just check the predictions made on Earth Day 1970:


"We have about five more years at the outside to do something." 
• Kenneth Watt, ecologist

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind." 
• George Wald, Harvard Biologist

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation." 
• Barry Commoner, Washington University biologist

"Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction." 
• New York Times editorial, the day after the first Earth Day


NZ must defer ETS as Australia has just done-NZCSC

New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

27 April 2010                Media statement for immediate release

By Hon Barry Brill

The reported decision by the Rudd Government to shelve Australia’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme legislation until 2013 at the earliest is final confirmation that Prime Minister John Key will be justified in deferring implementation of New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme (ETS) due to start on 1 July. This statement today by Hon Barry Brill, a former Minister of Science in an earlier National Government, and now chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.

“The Sydney Morning Herald reports today that it has learnt the Rudd Government has decided to put the scheme on ice to undercut the Liberal-National Coalition’s ‘great big new tax’ scare campaign, particularly after the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference and uncertainty over the fate of the US emissions trading scheme. Labour will insist it still believes an ETS is the best way to reduce emissions but will cite domestic and international pressures as making it impossible to introduce in the short term. The scheme had been due to begin with a carbon tax next year, moving to full trading in 2012,” said Mr Brill.

Why the ETS Must be Delayed

by Dr Doug Edmeades

The ETS comes into effect in July this year. Initially it will only include energy (electricity, petrol and diesel) but by 2015 it will include ruminant animals because they produce methane.
It is difficult to get accurate estimates of the cost of the ETS. The initial costs, starting just with a tax on energy, are a few thousand dollars per farm, but when animals come into the ETS in 2105 the costs are estimated to start at about $5,000 annually increasing to about $10,000 for the average sheep & beef farm. The costs for the average dairy farm are likely to be double these. Given the current financial situation on many farms the ETS has the potential to ruin pastoral farming in New Zealand, especially the sheep & beef sector. And for what gain?

Green Jobs or Shale Gas? The Numbers Talk

Environmental Views By Dennis T Avery  25 April 2010

CHURCHVILLE, VA— The shale gas industry’s boom is creating 100,000 jobs in Pennsylvania during 2010, according to Penn State University. Only a few of these new jobs are on drill rigs; many of those jobs go to highly-skilled oil patch veterans from out of state. But the gas industry’s expansion has created jobs by the tens of thousands in steel production, construction, and services.

More important, the clean, low-cost energy from the shale gas will go on creating additional jobs in every Northeast  regional industry that needs energy—meaning all of them. The shale gas boom is creating similar huge job gains throughout Appalachia, Texas, and Louisiana, with the new shale drilling system also about to expand in the huge Bakken oil shale deposits under the Dakotas and Montana.


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