
2011 will be a cold year

Global Cooling

2011 will be a cold year
In a peer reviewed paper entitled “Influence of the Southern Oscillation on Tropospheric Temperature” published in 2009, Maclean, de Freitas and Carter established that global temperatures followed the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with a lag of between six and eight months. Obviously, this meant that global temperatures could be predicted about seven months ahead.*

Heinz Lycklama, also the Galileo Movement

Dear interested parties,

It has been a few months since I issued an update to my report on 
An Independent Analysis of Global Warming (GW). You can find
my latest report (with nine new references [#118 -> 127]) on my web
page at  There are now various independent study
groups that have a very active interest in the GW issue and continually
provide updates as new information becomes available.

Global warming? A new ice age? The only certainty is that YOU'RE paying for the hysteria of our politicians

Daily Mail by Christopher Booker  6 July 2011

Who would possibly have thought it? The latest news is that the world may be threatened by a sharp drop in temperatures, possibly so severe that it could herald a new mini ice age.


There has been no global warming since 1998

The Telegraph- James Delingpole   6 July 2011

The headline of this post really shouldn’t be controversial. It chimes perfectly with what Kevin “null hypothesis” Trenberth wrote in that notorious 2009 Climategate email to Michael Mann:


NZ should follow Australia by exempting motor fuels from ETS


The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Hon Secretary, Terry Dunleavy MBE, 14A Bayview Road, Hauraki, North Shore City 0622

Phone (09) 486 3859 - Mobile 0274 836688 - Email -

3 July 2011    

Correspondence to the Gisborne Herald

The article in the June 17th paper about the sun going into hibernation
is interesting. It quickly states that, “some”(my word as not all
climate scientists agree), “climate scientists in the US say any drop in
solar output would be more than offset by increases in human greenhouse
gas emissions“. Meaning temperatures would continue to rise. Yet farmers
are warned of possible negative impacts.


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