2011 will be a cold year

Global Cooling

2011 will be a cold year
In a peer reviewed paper entitled “Influence of the Southern Oscillation on Tropospheric Temperature” published in 2009, Maclean, de Freitas and Carter established that global temperatures followed the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with a lag of between six and eight months. Obviously, this meant that global temperatures could be predicted about seven months ahead.*
In June 2010, I published a graph predicting that temperatures will fall sharply around October 2010. Exactly this happened. Since then I have regularly updated the graphs and predictions. As the Southern oscillation index is still in the “la Nina” region, the cooling will, almost certainly, last until late in 2011. As a result, 2011 will be a cool–possibly cold–year. All the temperature records show this cooling. www.climate4you.com
What is remarkable about this is that a retired engineer with access to the Internet has been able to make accurate predictions of future climate. Yet, to my knowledge, no computer-based climate model nor any mainstream “climate scientist” predicted this cooling. To me, this is truly remarkable.
Charts showing the the current and the original predictions are given below.
Will the cooling continue?
* Unpredictable effects such as volcanoes will affect these predictions. In general, volcanoes cause cooling.
Temperatures and Southern Oscillation Index from 2000.
Records from all over the world show that a long sunspot cycle is followed by cooling in the next cycle and a short sunspot cycle indicates warming. The last sunspot cycle was 12.5 years and the previous one was 9.5 years. The evidence tells us that a 3 year increase in cycle length will result in cooling of at least 1°C. As the total amount of warming that has occurred since the early 1900s is 0.7°C, this is potentially very serious. We could be returning to the conditions in the little ice age.
History tells us that cooling causes crop failures, famine, disease and, often, war.
We must not forget that the climate changes naturally and we need to be prepared for climate change–be it cooling or warming.
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