
The Great Global Warming Scam (ctd)

Friday 2nd October 2009

Yet another scientific scandal has come to light which knocks another whopping crater in the already shattered theory of anthropogenic global warming. Eight peer-reviewed studies, which for years have played a significant supporting role behind the IPPC’s claims of AGW, have been shown to be fraudulent.


Farmers dispute animal methane measure

Asa Wahlquist, Rural writer | October 05, 2009

Article from:  The Australian


CLAIMS that cattle and sheep are responsible for 10.9 per cent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions have been called into question after scientists discovered considerable variation in the amount of methane produced by individual animals.

Farmers, fearful of the costs greenhouse gas emissions trading will impose on their businesses, are demanding more accurate measurement of emissions before the ETS is brought in.

Beverley Henry, manager for environment, sustainability and climate change with Meat & Livestock Australia, said current estimates were based on livestock overseas, with the actual emissions likely to vary depending on diet and animal type, as well as other factors.

"At the moment, we don't reflect those in Australia's national accounts very well," Dr Henry said.

"We need to get better quantification of the emissions as well as an understanding of how much mitigation is possible."


A Threat to Freedom and Prosperity- NZCPR Weekly

The current Global Warming Debate is not about temperature or CO2 levels. It is an ideological clash between those who want to change us (rather than the climate) and those who believe in freedom, markets, human ingenuity, and technical progress. The advocates of global warming alarmism ask for an almost unprecedented expansion of government intrusion, of government intervention into our lives and of government control over us. We are pushed into accepting rules about how to live, what to do, how to behave, what to consume, what to eat, how to travel. It is unacceptable.
Hon Vaclav Klaus, President Czech Republic.[1]

National’s Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill is now in front of the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee. Submissions close on the 13th of October, giving a

scandalously short time frame for the preparation of submissions on legislation of this scale.[2]


Prologue to Copenhagen


NZCPR Guest Forum 

Chris de Freitas
3 October
The Kyoto Protocol, an icon of the global environmental movement, is soon to be replaced by a more radical international accord to curb greenhouse gas emissions. What it will involve depends on the outcome of negotiations this December in Copenhagen. In preparation, the Government has committed New Zealand to cut up to a third of current emissions by 2020. The emissions trading scheme is a first step, but this alone cannot guarantee such a massive reduction. Sweeping legislation restricting the use of oil, coal and natural gas will be required, along with far-reaching reforms in pastoral farming to cut methane release. The economic and social implications for New Zealand are immense.

“Man-made Global Warming does not Exist”.


Viv Forbes
5 October 2009
The truth is emerging – there is not a scrap of evidence that man-made carbon dioxide causes global warming. The IPCC has been devious and incompetent. Australia should boycott all further IPCC meetings and withhold future funding.
A mere 20,000 years ago, massive ice sheets covered much of the earth. The sparse population led a cold hungry existence.
Then, just 12,000 years ago, and there was dramatic natural global warming - ice sheets melted, sea levels rose and the warming seas expelled carbon dioxide. The warmth and increased carbon dioxide plant food in the atmosphere encouraged the spread of grasslands, forests and animal and human populations over lands once covered by thick, barren sheets of ice.

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies Ignore Carbon Cycling Processes Of Inland Waters, Scientists Say

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2009) - In a paper titled "The Boundless Carbon Cycle," published in the September issue of Nature Geoscience, scientists from the University of Vienna, Uppsala University in Sweden, University of Antwerp, and the U.S. based Stroud Water Research Center argue that current international strategies to mitigate manmade carbon emissions and address climate change have overlooked a critical player - inland waters. Streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands play an important role in the carbon cycle that is unaccounted for in conventional carbon cycling models.


Al Gore admits: I was wrong about Climate Change.............Yeah Right!!!!

We came across this spoof and thought it might provide a bit of light relief amid all the serious articles... enjoy!

Al Gore Admits: “I was Wrong about Climate Change”


Climate Rules stump DOC -by David Williams, The Press

The Department of Conservation (DOC) has suspended control of wilding pine trees while the Government fixes a climate-change "mistake".

DOC has been hit with an $811,000 "liability" under the emissions trading scheme because it cut down 53 hectares of pre-1990 trees.

The liability for other organisations councils, charitable trusts and conservation organisations runs into millions.


Carbon Sense newsletter


1. It’s Time to Ditch the Emissions Trading Scheme.
By Viv Forbes
It is time for Australian politicians to ditch the Emissions Trading Scheme and dismantle the expensive Global Warming Empire they have created.
The scientific case has collapsed and the political coalition has evaporated, but still the major political parties continue to serve vested interests and fish for Green preferences.
The case for action on global warming is essentially this: “Man’s emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing dangerous global warming”. This scare has been disproved in triplicate.

ETS- to have or not to have?


ETS – to have or not to have?
THE clamour from the different organisations and political parties calling for action on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) lacks balance and reason.
Many of the arguments used have been based on perceived moral obligations, hysteria, dogma and self-interest.
Nowhere have the cold hard facts – scientific, economic, or social – been used to advance arguments that would engage one’s mind in a debate about the merits of the various positions being proposed.


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