“Man-made Global Warming does not Exist”.


Viv Forbes
5 October 2009
The truth is emerging – there is not a scrap of evidence that man-made carbon dioxide causes global warming. The IPCC has been devious and incompetent. Australia should boycott all further IPCC meetings and withhold future funding.
A mere 20,000 years ago, massive ice sheets covered much of the earth. The sparse population led a cold hungry existence.
Then, just 12,000 years ago, and there was dramatic natural global warming - ice sheets melted, sea levels rose and the warming seas expelled carbon dioxide. The warmth and increased carbon dioxide plant food in the atmosphere encouraged the spread of grasslands, forests and animal and human populations over lands once covered by thick, barren sheets of ice.
None of these dramatic changes were caused by emissions from the camp fires of the Cave Men.
Since then earth has experienced see-saw heating and cooling. The most recent warming phase started at the depth of the Little Ice Age about 300 years ago. There were no coal-burning steam engines, no oil-burning combustion engines and no cement plants, but still the planet warmed up.
Climate fluctuations continue in recent times, but not in step with man’s carbon dioxide emissions.
When industry declined in the Great Depression of the 1930s, CO2 emissions fell but temperatures rose to a peak.
Then during the immediate post war boom in industry, emissions soared but temperatures fell and there were fears of a new ice age starting.
Now, since the start of the new century, with emissions from China and India growing strongly, world temperatures are again steady or falling.
The message is there for those prepared to read – man’s production of carbon dioxide does not control world temperature.
In Australia, many long term temperature records show that for the last century rural temperatures were stable or falling, but temperatures recorded in the big cities show slight warming. There is ZERO global warming of the atmosphere, just a bit of urban heating near big cities. This heating is caused, not by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but by heat generated from increasing urban human activities – heaters, appliances, air-conditioners, cars, trains, planes, concrete and bitumen all pumping new heat into the air. And the temperature measuring spots that were once in bushy outer suburbs are now surrounded by cars, concrete and airports.
This urban heat causes hot air to rise, may generate a storm or two, and the heat is lost harmlessly to space. 
For more records from rural Australia, and one for Sydney see:
For the non-warming evident in the longest continuous temperature record in the world, see:
For the IPCC and its local lap-dog, the CSIRO, to continue promoting the man- made global warming scare in the face of clear contrary evidence is grossly improper and should be subject to independent review.
For a fuller report on the dishonesty and incompetence of the IPCC see:
Man-made global warming does not exist. Both the IPCC and the CSIRO should be challenged to justify their reckless and baseless climate scare-mongering.
Viv Forbes
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