
12 more glaciers that haven’t heard the news about global warming

January 25 2010

The glaciers are melting! The glaciers are melting! The glaciers are…uhhhhh…never mind.


After Climategate, Pachaurigate and Glaciergate: Amazongate

By James Delingpole January 25 2010

AGW theory is toast. So’s Dr Rajendra Pachauri. So’s the Stern Review. So’s the credibility of the IPCC. But if you think I’m cheered by this you’re very much mistaken. I’m trying to write a Climategate book but the way things are going by the time I’m finished there won’t be anything left to say: the battle will already have been won and the only people left who still believe in Man Made Global Warming will be the eco-loon equivalents of those wartime Japanese soldiers left abandoned and forgotten on remote Pacific atolls.


More UN climate claims undermined


 The Australian January 25 2010

  • Climate change disasters doubted
  • Little evidence to back up claim
  • Claim was basis of compo case

The UN Climate Science panel faces new controversy for wrongly linking global warming to a rise in natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods.

 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change based the claims on an unpublished report that had not been subjected to routine scientific scrutiny - and ignored warnings from scientific advisers, The Australian reports.

The report's author later withdrew the claim because the evidence was too weak.

The link was central to demands at last month's Copenhagen climate summit by African nations for compensation of $US100 billion from the rich nations.


Good news for the world: bad news for official climate science body

Geoffrey Lean is Britain's longest-serving environmental correspondent, having pioneered reporting on the subject almost 40 years ago.

January 17th 2010

It’s the best news of the decade so far, but not for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the official ultimate authority on climate science, for it poses a much greater threat to its credibility than the much-hyped “Climategate”  emails and puts further questionmarks over its embattled chairman, Dr Rajendra Pachauri.


More Scandals Implicate IPCC Climate Scientists

By F. William Engdahl
22 January 2010


Only days after the failed Copenhagen Global Warming Summit, yet a new scandal over the scientific accuracy of the UN IPCC 2007 climate report has emerged. Following the major data-manipulation scandals from the UN-tied research center at Britain’s East Anglia University late 2009, the picture emerges of one of the most massive scientific frauds of recent history.

Now the IPCC sexed up the Amazonian danger, too

Andrew Bolt

– Wednesday, January 27, 10 (12:04 am)



Pitman cries poor

Andrew Bolt

– Tuesday, January 26, 10 (09:12 pm)


Professor Andy Pitman, an Australian IPCC author, says his side is losing the global warming debate simply because they’re all selfless angels, while the other side are corrupt, deceitful and unemployed conspiracists:



Ten signs that the warming scare is collapsing

Andrew Bolt

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 09:31am 

ONCE global warming was “the great moral challenge of our generation”. Or so claimed the Prime Minister.


UK Climate Change Activists Push for Average Speed Cameras

UK government report advocates blanketing country with average speed cameras to stop global warming.

The UK Sustainable Development Commission yesterday released a report recommending the use of average speed cameras for round-the-clock tracking of motorist journeys nationwide. The government advisory body said that widespread deployment of average speed cameras was required to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by automobiles, a factor that some believe is linked to global changes in temperature. The report made a number of recommendations affecting the driving public.

"The business models associated with private motoring are not aligned with sustainability," the report explained.

The commission suggested that the government take immediate action to encourage the use of mass transit and discourage automobile use in general. Speed cameras were seen as an easy method of accomplishing this goal.



There is “no real evidence” Global Warming causes natural disasters


A selection of short articles from ''

There is “no real evidence” Global Warming causes natural disasters

Gee whiz, it turns out Global Warming isn’t responsible for natural disasters. Who’d a thunk it?

The paper on which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) based its Himalayan Glacier argument — by Robert Muir-Wood (a researcher whose career the IPCC has undoubtably damaged) — is now speaking out against the organization which made him so famous. The IPCC based their claims on Muir-Wood’s article before it was peer-reviewed, and it seems he is no doubt upset that his work would be cited before being verified. Since the controversy, Muir-Wood has made statements along with fellow researchers pointing out that there is no validity behind the IPCC’s claims of global warming causing natural disasters — such as in Bangledesh and Cumbria — which are the basis of arguments for speakers shouting impending doom, like Miliband and Barack Obama. Here an excerpt from the Times Online article:

He found from 1950 to 2005 there was no increase in the impact of disasters once growth was accounted for. For 1970-2005, however, he found a 2% annual increase which “corresponded with a period of rising global temperatures,”

Muir-Wood was, however, careful to point out that almost all this increase could be accounted for by the exceptionally strong hurricane seasons in 2004 and 2005. There were also other more technical factors that could cause bias, such as exchange rates which meant that disasters hitting the US would appear to cost proportionately more in insurance payouts.



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