
Now IPCC hurricane data is questioned

The Register- Environment

by Andrew Orlowski 15th February 2010

More trouble looms for the IPCC. The body may need to revise statements made in its Fourth Assessment Report on hurricanes and global warming. A statistical analysis of the raw data shows that the claims that global hurricane activity has increased cannot be supported.

Les Hatton once fixed weather models at the Met Office. Having studied Maths at Cambridge, he completed his PhD as meteorologist: his PhD was the study of tornadoes and waterspouts. He's a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, currently teaches at the University of Kingston, and is well known in the software engineering community - his studies include critical systems analysis. Hatton has released what he describes as an 'A-level' statistical analysis, which tests six IPCC statements against raw data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) Administration. He's published all the raw data and invites criticism, but warns he is neither "a warmist nor a denialist", but a scientist.


De Boer Quits UN Post in ‘Sad Day’ for Carbon Market (Update2)

Climate Realists don't think so!!!

This is an indication of reality hitting the carbon market!

Bloomberg Business week

by Alex Morales 18 February 2010

Feb. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Yvo de Boer is quitting his post as the United Nations’s climate chief, casting doubt on the effort to establish a worldwide market aimed at reducing the emissions blamed for global warming.


Climate hysteria won't last test of time

NZ Herald 18 February 2010

Garth George

Reports of inaccuracies with global warming data will one day be a source of mirth for us

I am indebted to a reader for sending me a copy of an article which appeared in this newspaper and which I hadn't read.


Climategate Conspirator Cracks

TIA DailyFebruary 14, 2010

Last Sunday, the London Times carried a profile of Phil Jones- the head of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and the man at the center of the Climategate scandal. The professor admitted to having contemplated suicide "several times" since the scandal broke, and the article continued: "The incident has taken a severe toll on his health. He has lost more than a stone [14 pounds] in weight and disclosed he is on beta-blockers and using sleeping pills." Is this the reaction of a man with a clear conscience?

The article says that Jones is 57 years old—but in the accompanying photo, he looks about 20 years older. He looks 40 years older than he does in every other picture I've seen of him before now. The stress of Climategate is literally killing him.


Climate Alarmism Acknowledges Doubt

National Review Online

Rich Lowry February 16, 2010

The global warming crowd admits the science isn't 'settled'.

Climate alarmists conjured a world where nothing was certain but death, taxes, and catastrophic global warming. They used this presumed scientific certainty as a bludgeon against the skeptics they deemed “deniers,” a word meant to have the noxious whiff of Holocaust denial.

All in the cause of hustling the world into a grand carbon-rationing scheme. Any questions about the evidence for the cataclysmic projections, any concerns about the costs and benefits, were trumped by that fearsome scientific “consensus,” which had “settled” the important questions.


Labor in denial as ETS fairyland fractures

Paul Kelly, The Australian  February 24, 2010

The Rudd government stares down the gun barrel of one of the greatest policy and political retreats of the past generation that confounds its election strategy and its policy credibility.

"Cap and trade in America is dead, the idea is completely dead," Chicago-based global economist, David Hale, participant in the Australian American Leadership Dialogue and a long-time personal friend of Kevin Rudd, told The Australian this week. "The Democrats in the coal-burning states have effectively vetoed a cap-and-trade scheme and Republican gains in the mid-term congressional elections will only make it even more improbable. Cap and trade has been totally submerged in America's economic problems and unemployment near 10 per cent."

Hale says the US confronts a dual crisis of economics and governance with climate change relegated to a minority issue. "America seems crippled by the fiscal crisis," he says.


Crunch-time for the initiators of the man-made global warming theory- or is it?

There is nothing so strange as the truth of scientific evidence, nor as maligned, as a means to an end -- the power and control over man.
The core paragraphs 12 & 13

 TIA Daily February 21, 2010


What's Left Without Global Warming?

by Robert Tracinski

With apologies to

I mean all of this stuff about how we have to restructure our entire society to avoid man-made global warming—what was it all really about? Was it ever really about global warming? Or was it really about restructuring our society, for which global warming was just an excuse?

That's what we have to start asking in the wake of Climategate.

It is not just that Climategate—the e-mails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit at Britain's University of East Anglia, and the subsequent investigations they unleashed—has revealed that the "settled science" of global warming was riddled with errors, based on questionable data and false assumptions, and distorted by conformity, bullying, and groupthink.

Australian Vote on ETS to be delayed until May

February 23, 2010
THE future of the government’s emissions trading scheme was in disarray  last night with claims the Senate vote on the legislation could be delayed until May.
The possible delay, the result of the Opposition blocking a procedural vote on timing in the Senate, has further frustrated the government’s attempts to  establish a double dissolution election trigger on its amended climate legislation.


Muriel Newman

NZCPR Weekly  15 February 2010

“I can assure you that the government has investigated the evidence on the science of climate change from a number of different sources and I can appreciate that there are many different perspectives on the matter. However, the government is convinced that climate change is a serious and legitimate issue and that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides the most reliable information on climate change science. In its most recent assessment, the IPCC states that the evidence for climate change is unequivocal, that humankind’s emissions are very likely the cause of these changes and that, unless action is taken to reduce emissions, dangerous changes in the climate system will result.”
Hon Nick Smith, Minister for Climate Change Issues, in response to submissions on New Zealand’s 2020 Emissions Target,




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