
To John Key from Graham C 26 March 2010


Dear John,
I am a Helensville electorate voter and supporter of the National Government.  However I am becoming increasingly alarmed by the ETS legislation soon to come into effect.  Worldwide the ETS is a shambles.  France has backed off; we don’t know what Australia is going to do (originally we were going to align ourselves with Australia); there are huge question-marks around the AGW science; the scheme does not reduce emissions, it just transfers them from one country to another; the effect of the scheme on our economy is at best uncertain and most likely very harmful.  I urge you and your government to repeal the ETS legislation or at least delay its introduction until there is some certainty about what the rest of the world, and in particular Australia, are going to do.
Yours sincerely,
Graham C

To John Key from Peter M 26 March 2010

Dear Prime Minister,

I write to you because I am concerned that the advice you have been given in
respect to the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming scare is not based
on sound science and because my original query put to my local MP well over
a year ago has remained unanswered. My emails to Heatley were never even
acknowleged. Two further emails were copied to Nick Smith and yourself. My
original question was,"Who will be held accountable when the science
surrounding CAGW is shown to be flawed?"


Climategate: the IPCC's whitewash 'review' is the AGW camp's biggest mistake yet

by Gerald Warner  12 March 2010

It looks as if the tottering IPCC has just made its biggest mistake yet. Twenty-four hours after the announcement of an “independent” inquiry into certain aspects of its activities it is possible to make a considered assessment of its significance. By any reasoned analysis, it is not only a whitewash but one in which the paint is spread so thinly as to be transparent.

First, who appointed this review body? Those two iconic standard bearers of climate science objectivity, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and IPCC head (still!) Rajendra Pachauri. There is nothing like being judge in your own cause – it secures a less damaging verdict. Ban Ki-moon is the clown who, on a visit to the Arctic last September, despairingly proclaimed that “100 billion tons” of polar ice were melting each year, when the sea-ice around him had just extended itself by half a million square kilometres more than at the same time the previous year. Pachauri, among many other solecisms, is also the buffoon who denounced criticism of the IPCC’s absurd claims about melting Himalayan glaciers as “voodoo science”.


US Senate Report 'Consensus' Exposed: The CRU Controversy

The scientists involved in the CRU controversy violated fundamental ethical principles governing taxpayer-funded research and, in some cases, may have violated federal laws. In addition to these findings, we believe the emails and accompanying documents seriously compromise the IPCC-backed "consensus" and its central conclusion that anthropogenic emissions are inexorably leading to environmental catastrophes.


Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh

The Australian

by Phil Chapman 23 April 2008

THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity.What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot.

Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously.


France ditches carbon tax as social protests mount

by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 23 March 2010

France is facing its own 'spring of discontent' as strikes shut schools, courts, railways and metro services, and trade unions vowed mass protests across the country.

President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday scrapped the country's proposed carbon tax and reshuffled his cabinet in populist tilt after suffering a crushing electoral defeat over the weekend, when his Gaulliste UMP party lost every region other than in its bastion of Alsace and the Indian Ocean island of Reunion.

The vote saw a resurrection of both the Socialist Party and the far-Right National Front, showing how the delayed effects of rising unemployment can change the political landscape long after recession has passed. The jobless rate has risen to 10.1pc, up from 8.7pc a year ago. A quarter of those aged under 25 are out of work.


To John Key from Donald O 25 March 2010

The following letter to John Key has been slightly edited by the operator of this site.


Farm Impact Statement- Neil Henderson

In our efforts to suggest to the NZ government that the further implementation of National's ETS scheme in July is not a good idea and should be delayed by at least two years, we are collecting Farm Impact Statements in which farmers can point out the effect that the ETS legislation will have on them, their families, their farming operation and their local communities.

These are forwarded to Act MP John Boscawen.

Neil Henderson's is below.

It was tabled in Parliament by John Boscawen on Wednesday 24th March 2010

The farm my wife and I own was carved out of the bush by my grandfather, who left his building business to become a self taught farmer. When he commenced in 1892 the nearest grassland was 20 kilometres away and after packing in supplies he had to return his horses there to graze and walk back to his block. Conditions were difficult for this bachelor for many years and the rest of his family felt sure he would lose all his money on the venture. Gradually he prevailed and by 1920 all the bush had been felled and the grassland was improving.

Let's have more of this kind of research

The people who wrote the following still perceive there to be a problem with global warming..... but at least they're starting to see sense where animals are involved!


Eating less meat won't reduce global warming: study

Eating less meat will not reduce global warming, and claims that it will distract from efforts to find real solutions to climate change, a leading air quality expert said Monday.

"We certainly can reduce our greenhouse gas production, but not by consuming less meat and milk," Frank Mitloehner, an air quality expert at the University of California-Davis, said as he presented a report on meat-eating and climate change at a conference of the American Chemical Society in California.

Blaming cows and pigs for climate change is scientifically inaccurate, said Mitloehner, dismissing several reports, including one issued in 2006 by the United Nations, which he said overstate the role that livestock play in global warming.


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