
What Alarming Sea Level Rise? Observational Data Reveals No Change, Scientist Says

Fox 19 May 2010

by Gene J. Koprowski

CHICAGO -- Global warming advocates say rising sea levels will soon drown Venice. But a top scientist says they're full of hot air -- and he says he’s got the data to prove it.

In a new scientific paper, Nils-Axel Morner, former emeritus head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden, says that observational records from around the world -- locations like the Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Tuvalu and Vanuatu -- show the sea level isn't rising at all.

Morner's research, revealed Monday at the fourth International Conference on Climate Change, demonstrates that there is no “alarming sea level rise” across the globe, and it says a U.N. report warning of coastal cities being deluged by rising waters from melting polar ice caps “is utterly wrong.”


National at risk of being tipped into death spiral


By Chris Trotter- The Dominion Post
Dear National Party member,


I wonder how many people belonging to today's National Party remember Corso?

Older party members may vaguely recall Sir Robert Muldoon's savage critique of Corso back in the 1970s, but for younger members the name probably doesn't ring any bells at all.
That's a pity, because as I watch what is happening in today's National Party I am strongly reminded of the political tragedy which overtook and ultimately destroyed the once-mighty Corso brand.
Corso is, of course, an acronym. It began life in 1944 as the Council of Organisations for Relief Services Overseas. Its charitable mission was to gather much-needed clothing and footwear for the millions of people around the world that World War II had uprooted and impoverished.

ETS Article by Pat Gregory

Waikato Times- article by Pat Gregory

Hold on to your hats folks – the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS )is going to hit and hit hard. If you think you’re struggling to pay your electricity bill now, just wait till this scheme has been introduced.  Many farmers are already against the wall and verging on bankruptcy - imagine what this is going to do to them! This tax is based on very questionable science at the best, and what has been termed as outright fraud at the worst!
Just what is the ETS going to mean to New Zealanders? Our Prime Minister and politicians must answer the question “Why, when major European countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, and  France, have abandoned their ETS schemes, is New Zealand going ahead with ours?”   Since our ETS tax was passed into law, the Copenhagen climate talks have broken down and there is now no expectation that there will be a comprehensive worldwide climate agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol from 2013. 

Minister Carter Backs Global Warming and Kyoto But---

   by Tony Orman

        Minister of Agriculture David Carter told a 100 plus gathering of farmers and others at a meeting at Meadowbank Station near Blenheim, held a fortnight ago that he is a believer of global warming.
        However his admission brought cries of derision from the audience.
      "Do you believe in Kyoto? There's a substantial number of scientists who don't!" responded William Harrison.
    David Dillon told David Carter he should be ashamed to follow a fantasy of US global warming advocate Al Gore. Tony Willey accused the government of joining Kyoto based on "a mere suspicion" rather than proven fact.
"Why is New Zealand doing it?" he asked.
        Others made similar comments.

Farmers vent anger over ETS Inclusion

Marlborough Express

by Blair Ensor 23 April 2010

Agriculture Minister David Carter yesterday received an earful from Marlborough farmers outraged at agriculture being included in the emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The farmers waited for Mr Carter to finish a speech about the scheme at Meadowbank Station in Taylor Pass before unleashing a barrage of questions and statements.

Seddon farmer Michael Davison said he had been an avid supporter of the National Party all his life, but he would never vote for it again because of agriculture's inclusion in the scheme.

"This is bureaucratic bulls.... It's enough for me to sign off from National forever."

He then walked out on the meeting.

A Federated Farmers past president, David Dillon, said farmers were already struggling financially and the ETS would inflict more pain.


Forty years of Earth Day, and Armageddon no closer

Andrew Bolt- 23 April 2010

I Hate The Media says there are some good reasons not to believe the gloomy predictions you heard yesterday on Earth Day.

Just check the predictions made on Earth Day 1970:


"We have about five more years at the outside to do something." 
• Kenneth Watt, ecologist

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind." 
• George Wald, Harvard Biologist

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation." 
• Barry Commoner, Washington University biologist

"Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction." 
• New York Times editorial, the day after the first Earth Day


Green Jobs or Shale Gas? The Numbers Talk

Environmental Views By Dennis T Avery  25 April 2010

CHURCHVILLE, VA— The shale gas industry’s boom is creating 100,000 jobs in Pennsylvania during 2010, according to Penn State University. Only a few of these new jobs are on drill rigs; many of those jobs go to highly-skilled oil patch veterans from out of state. But the gas industry’s expansion has created jobs by the tens of thousands in steel production, construction, and services.

More important, the clean, low-cost energy from the shale gas will go on creating additional jobs in every Northeast  regional industry that needs energy—meaning all of them. The shale gas boom is creating similar huge job gains throughout Appalachia, Texas, and Louisiana, with the new shale drilling system also about to expand in the huge Bakken oil shale deposits under the Dakotas and Montana.

Nick, nobody has an ETS like ours

Climate Conversation Group

by Richard Treadgold 28 April 2010

In the Parliament today, Chris Auchinvole asked Nick Smith (Minister for Climate Change): “Are claims correct that New Zealand is the first in the world to have an emissions trading scheme, and that it is just a tax for revenue purposes?”

And thus did Nick reply:

No, 38 countries have commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, and 29 of them, or three-quarters, already have an emissions trading scheme. Nor is the scheme a tax. Although consumers and businesses will pay $350 million in the first year of the scheme for their emissions, foresters will receive $1,100 million in carbon credits for post-1989 forests. Far from providing net revenue to the Government, the scheme is actually a cost to the Crown. There are 12,000 New Zealanders who, in good faith, planted trees on the assurances of both National and Labour Governments that they would receive carbon credits for those post-1989 forests. The emissions trading scheme honours that commitment.

But the facts are different from those presented by our Nick.


The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud  28 April 2010

Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House.


Arctic warming likely to reverse - scientist

Rianovosti 27 April 2010

Warming in the Arctic is likely to turn into cold and further records of the minimum amount of drift ice in the area will not be set, the head of a Russian Arctic expedition said on Tuesday.

"I think the repetition of this event is next to impossible...There are hints that the trend has changed its direction," Vladimir Sokolov said, referring to the recent forecast of global Arctic warming.

The scientist said the outlook from drifting stations showed that ice coverage had grown; the temperatures had become colder in winter while precipitation in summer had decreased.

In 2007, scientists observed the unique situation when drift ice in the area of the Arctic Ocean reached a record-breaking minimum.

Sokolov said the forecasts predicting the future



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