
Globalists Race To Enforce Criminal Carbon Tax

Infowars- Paul Joseph Watson - 6 August 2010

$100 Billion A Year Levy Is About Bankrolling Global Government And Lining The Pockets Of Con Artist Oil Men Soros, Strong and Gore, Has Nothing To Do With Saving The Environment

Despite the failure of last year’s Copenhagen climate summit, the United Nations is pushing ahead for a global carbon tax that will bankroll the expansion of world government as globalists attempt to make Americans pay for the evisceration of their own sovereinty and future prosperity.


BREAKING: Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster (PJM Exclusive)

Pajamas Media- by Christopher Horner 18 May 2010

Pajamas Media has received a leaked internal assessment produced by Spain’s Zapatero administration. The assessment confirms the key charges previously made by non-governmental Spanish experts in a damning report exposing the catastrophic economic failure of Spain’s “green economy” initiatives.

On eight separate occasions, President Barack Obama has referred to the “green economy” policies enacted by Spain as being the model for what he envisioned for America.


'The Inquiry Reports Are Lousy' - An Interview with Steve McIntyre

Alex Reichmuth, Die Weltwoche, 22 July 2010: In November 2009, just days before the big climate summit in Copenhagen, thousands of internal e-mails from leading climate researchers at the University of East Anglia were made public. In the e-mails, the researchers at the university's Climatic Research Unit discussed how to manipulate data series. They discussed with colleagues from other research centres how to sideline critics of mainstream climate science. And they requested each other to delete scientific data in order to protect the scientific information from the clutches of their critics. The affair - soon referred to as "Climategate" - was explosive because the IPCC, in its reports, had again and again relied substantially on the research conducted at CRU - for example, in reconstructing the climate of the last thousand years with the help of so-called proxy data, such as tree rings or ice cores. In addition, CRU researchers also play a leading role in determining the global temperatures today.


Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic   by Gerald Warner   8 July 2010

Move along now, please… Nothing to see here…” was the predictable burden of Sir Muir Russell’s investigation into Climategate. Are we surprised? Any other conclusion would have made world headlines as a first for the climate change establishment. This is the third Climategate whitewash job and it would be tempting to see it as just as futile as its predecessors. That, however, would be to underrate its value to the sceptic cause, which is considerable.

This is because Russell’s “Not Guilty” verdict has been seized upon as an excuse to reinstate Phil Jones at the University of East Anglia CRU, this time as Director of Research. That is very good news. It spells out to the world that the climate clique looks after its own; that there is no more a culture of accountability and job forfeiture for controversial conduct in AGW circles than there is in parliamentary ones; that it is business as usual for Phil and his merry men. Or, to put it more bluntly, the brand remains toxic.


Why Was Cap-and-Trade Ever Promoted?

By Alan Caruba  |  July 7, 2010


Cap-and-Trade is a Nation-Killer
There are many reasons why the Cap-and-Trade Act will harm the future of the nation, but among the worst is that it is entirely based on a lie. The very worst, however, is that it is a nation killer.
Cap-and-Trade is intended to set up a trade scheme in “carbon credits” that is estimated to be worth a trillion dollars if enacted. The rationale is the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), to avoid global warming.
There is no global warming and no need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The vast bulk of CO2 is natural. The Earth, via ocean warming and solar radiation, produces 97% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is 386 parts per million. The atmosphere is essentially and overwhelmingly water vapor. CO2 plays no role in climate change.

Nick Smith grilled over ETS

by Tony Orman  30 June 2010

New Zealand's coal exports to China were labelled 'hypocritical' by audience members at a public meeting on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)in Blenheim last night.
Climate Change Minister Nick Smith addressed the meeting - part of the Government's road show on the scheme - and was adamant that the scheme was New Zealand's best option.
"The sooner we start an ETS, the easier the transition will be," Mr Smith said. "Also it will protect our clean, green image and market access."
Afforestation would be encouraged and grow while New Zealand would honour its Kyoto commitment, he said. New Zealand could not promote itself as clean and green when its carbon emissions had gone up 25 per cent since 1990.
However, in question time, farmers, foresters and others questioned the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and the theory of global warming. One speaker termed New Zealand coal exports for China to burn in thousands of coal fired stations as as "blatant hypocrisy".
"Yes New Zealand does export coal to China but Kyoto penalises the country that burns it but not the country that exports," replied Mr Smith.


Meet New Zealand’s ETS: costly, corrupted and useless

Andrew Bolt – Wednesday, June 30, 10

New Zealand discovers what a useless and corrupt rort an emissions trading scheme really is:

New Zealand’s failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions has left taxpayers staring down the barrel of a Kyoto Protocol liability of at least $1 billion and possibly more than $5 billion, according to a book analysing National’s emissions trading system.

The authors of The Carbon Challenge - Victoria University researcher and economist Geoff Bertram and climate-change analyst and researcher Simon Terry - also describe the Government’s current ETS as “technically obsolete” and “beyond rescue” as a sustainable framework for tackling climate change.

They say the scheme will not make any inroads into cutting New Zealand’s gross emissions levels.

On top of that, the ETS was so unfair in the way it distributed benefits to high emitters with political influence, while placing a regressive quasi-tax burden on households, that there was a risk it could undermine the public’s willingness to support a stronger regime in the future.

Such was the scale of subsidies that only one in every five dollars charged under the ETS would become available to the Government to pay off the Kyoto liability. Households already bore half the total costs resulting from the ETS during its first five years while accounting for just a fifth of all emissions,

This is the kind of thing the Gillard Government still is promising us.


The Cloud Mystery – Galactic influence on Earth’s multi-million-year climate cycles

Red Ice Creations

by Bruce Tanner    28 June 2010

2007 Documentary Presents Proof that Global Climate is Driven by Galactic Radiation and Solar Magnetic Activity.

In 2006, a scientific team led by Henrik Svensmark, director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), a part of the Danish National Space Center, managed to publish, after more than a year of having it rejected, a peer-reviewed paper culminating their research proving that cosmic rays and solar activity govern Earth’s climate.

This paper, describing an extremely sophisticated experiment that took eight years to complete, meticulously detailed the energetic and chemical pathways through which cosmic rays create charged particulates, which are the primary cause of low-altitude cloud formation in the atmosphere.

The significance of the chain of discoveries which was capped by the evidence presented from this experiment has extremely far-reaching implications for decision making on issues of climate. The discoveries of Svensmark’s team have been, and are being, resisted and covered up by scientific institutions and in the corporate media.


Farmers protest at Fieldays

Waikato Times  Chris Gardner  17 June 2010

The prime minister, climate change issues minister and agriculture minister were nowhere to be seen when two dozen members of Waikato Federated Farmers took to the National Agricultural Fieldays stage to protest the Emissions Trading Scheme yesterday.

John Key, Nick Smith and David Carter attended the event's opening ceremony, where they glimpsed farmers dressed in high-visibility vests with the words Extra Tax Stinks written on them, but were nowhere in sight two hours later at the start of the formal protest, allowed at a scheduled time by the organisers.

Protesters held placards with slogans including "National's BURP tax buggers up rural profits. Dump the ETS".


Glacier Melting not from Climate Change?

The Foundry  22 June 2010

New evidence on the melting Pine Island Glacier (PIG), one of the melting Antarctic glaciers that some scientists feel may pose a threat to sea level increases, suggests that it is not climate change that is causing the glacier to melt. From the UK’s Register:

“Many scientists have theorised that the PIG’s accelerating flow is due to global warming. However, recent research – including surveys beneath the bottom of the floating, projecting ice sheet by Blighty’s Autosub robot probe – indicate that this may not be the case.

“The discovery of the ridge has raised new questions about whether the current loss of ice from Pine Island Glacier is caused by recent climate change or is a continuation of a longer-term process that began when the glacier disconnected from the ridge,” says Dr Adrian Jenkins of the British Antarctic Survey.”

The climate experts even suggest that melting ice has beneficial impacts on the freshness of the ocean. While the new findings do not suggest melting glaciers pose no threat to sea level increases, it does show how little we really know about the causes behind melting glaciers.



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