climaterealists's blog

Clean, Green and Barefoot in the Snow

A submission on the proposal from the government of New Zealand to set an Emissions Reduction Target of 50% of 1990 emissions by 2050.


by the Carbon Sense Coalition

To view this excellent submission, click here

A lot you haven't told us

The Daily Telegraph- by Tim Blair-                                                                            28  February 2011                                                                                                                            

DEAR Prime Minister Gillard, Thank you for making the weather nicer by forcing us to pay more for everything. Who knew  that fixing the global climate was so simple? Still, one or two questions remain about your new plan and a few related matters.

Yours in climate justice,



IPCC No Longer Trusted By U.S. Policy Makers

CCNet – 21 February 2011

The Climate Policy Network


Climategate Fallout

IPCC No Longer Trusted By U.S. Policy Makers



America is to cut off all funding to the United Nations climate science panel (IPCC) under sweeping Republican budget cuts that seek to gut spending on environmental protection. –The Guardian, 21 February 2011


Lawrence Solomon: Has the IPCC discovered the Sun?

Financial Post: by Lawrence Solomon, 25 January 2011

The IPCC is investigating the Sun as a driver of global warming


Which ‘climate science’ does Minister Smith accept?

New Zealand Climate Science Coalition press release, 25 January 2011

In response to the NZ Herald article which can be accessed at: 


Climate Change Issues Minister Nick Smith has been called on to amplify his statement to the New Zealand Herald’s Brian Fallow last Saturday: “We accept the science” relating to global warming and the forthcoming review later this year of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).


Fallow had written: “The review, to be chaired by David Caygill, is a statutory requirement. It is expressly not to revisit the issues, debated at tedious length for at least the past decade, about whether New Zealand should be taking action on climate change at all or whether an emotions [sic] trading scheme is the most appropriate response.”

NASA's Hansen: Dictatorship Can Save the Earth

From: New American

by James Heiser  21 January 2011

As the tortured science which is invoked to support the theory of anthropogenic climate change continues to lose its credibility in the eyes of the American public, it appears that some of the theory’s advocates are weighing the virtues of using blunt force to impose the changes they believe are necessary to "save the world." Consider, for example, Dr. James Hansen (left) of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who seems to believe that Western freedoms may be part of the problem, and that Chinese tyranny may be able to lead the way to a greener future.

Hansen has long been one of the leading advocates of the theory that human activity is causing global warming; his congressional testimony in 1988 was a significant factor in raising the credibility of the controversial theory. And Hansen has certainly not shied away from controversy in the past: In 2006, Hansen publicly accusing the Bush administration of pressuring him to censure his research on global warming, and in 2009, he was arrested during a protest against coal mining in West Virginia — a stunt he repeated in 2010 in Washington, D.C.

But now Hansen is pointing to a China as a model for addressing global warming.


Monckton on proposed Aussie "Cap & Trade"

Earth's climate crisis ain't necessarily so

WHILE the Gillard government's climate-change parliamentary committee plots to wreck Australia's economy with a rigged market to make motoring and electricity unaffordable as soon as the new Greens-infected Senate starts work in July, thoughtful pollies are at last - privately, quietly - beginning to ask the Gershwin question.

What if it ain't necessarily so? Suppose there's no climate crisis?

The Romans used to farm out tax collection to "tax farmers" such as St Matthew. The cap-and-tax boondoggle is a tax-farming scam to impoverish the working man and enrich the new tax farmers: bankers, traders, ministers, officials and media moguls. None of them saints.

Gods of climate change

Released 19 Jan 2011

By Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President

With deep snow in the USA, parts of Australia awash and mudslides in Brazil, it's unsurprising we're seeing professors of climate change pinning this ‘evidence' on the climate change donkey. But is it?  Eighty years ago, the world's worst known natural disaster struck China claiming upwards of 2.5 million lives.  Natural disasters are called that because they occur naturally on our dynamic planet.  And with a global population over three times higher than in 1931, it's unsurprising natural disasters impact many more people.  Any ‘sense' of increasing frequency may simply reflect modern communications.  We now know of things in the past we wouldn't have.

While Federated Farmers is talking with our Aussie farming counterparts to see how Kiwi labour could help with recovery, only four years ago, newspapers were reporting "few scientists dispute the part played by climate change, which is making Australia hotter and drier".  The drought breaking is now hailed as ‘evidence' of climate change.  Talk about a dollar each way.

How well has the Media and Government informed the Public about CO2 levels in the Air?

Ask yourself, your friends, family and work associates if they know the answers to the following questions about CO2.

Be sure to write your answers before looking at the pdf file link (below).

Question 1:

What percentage of the atmosphere do you think is CO2?

Question 2:

Have you ever seen the percentage given in any media?

Question 3:

What percentage of the CO2 is man-made?

Changes in the Sun's Surface to Bring Next Climate Change

John Casey, Director of the SSRCJanuary, 2008,   SSRC, USA

Today, the Space and Science Research Center, (SSRC) in Orlando, Florida announces that it has confirmed the recent web announcement of NASA solar physicists that there are substantial changes occurring in the sun's surface. The SSRC has further researched these changes and has concluded they will bring about the next climate change to one of a long-lasting cold era.

Today, has reaffirmed earlier research he led that independently discovered the sun's changes are the result of a family of cycles that bring about climate shifts from cold climate to warm and back again.


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