Reaping Bitter Green Dividends

Reaping Bitter Green Dividends


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24 October 2011


The battle for Carbon Sense will go on. We have no option but to fight until the Carbon Tax bills are repealed and the dead weight of the massive Climate Change Bureaucracy is removed from our backs. We hope you can support us in this fight. Please pass this on.


The carbon policies of the Australian government will destroy regional industry.


Most regional industry relies on adding value to the products of primary industries – smelters, refineries, processing plants, cement plants, sawmills, flour mills, abattoirs and rail and port infrastructure. These facilities require cheap reliable electricity, which will never be supplied by green energy toys.


Recently Xstrata announced plans to cease smelting and refining copper in Queensland. Then Blue Scope Steel decided to reduce production and shed workers. Now Rio has signalled the sale of its aluminium processing empire. Next we can expect that a large coal fired electricity generator will be unable to repay its debts. Cement plants will be squeezed and rail and port costs will increase.


All of these projects are denigrated in their own country because they have one thing in common - they rely heavily on carbon fuels such as coal and gas and thus are all threatened by the toxic carbon tax. None of these activities will cease because of our carbon tax. They will either pay foreign spivs for "carbon credits" or the business will transfer to other countries who will welcome our trashed industries.


Not one of these operations will survive if forced to use costly and unreliable wind or solar power.


The 74 green lemmings in Parliament have given us "certainty" – the certainty of capital flight and job losses.


Are we prepared for the new green future where jobless Australians survive from backyard vegie gardens, poaching kangaroos and wild pigs from carbon credit forests and cooking with biomass on a wood stove?


Of course we will enjoy pirate movies downloaded at the speed of light using the NBN (as long as the sun is shining or the wind blows).


The Carbon Dioxide Tax Game


So let the games begin.

The Carbon (Dioxide) Tax game, with the rules defined by fools, can have only one outcome - Bludgers Ten, Workers Zero. The boundary referees can look forward to endless disputes as those just above and below the line fight for (dis)possession of the ball - the 'right' to pay this infamous tax. The score will be overwhelmingly from penalty kicks. The stakes are high and the punters are laying their bets in the mother-of-all-gambles - trading not goods and services, but thin air. The aim is not more production, but doing as little as possible to avoid generating the life-giving gas, carbon dioxide.

The speculators behind the scenes are gloating over the prospects.

And our international competitors know they now compete against an injured player carrying a hopeless handicap.

Bring on the next election.

John McRobert

Indooroopilly, Qld


Speaking of elections,

Ontario Wind Turbines Slice Liberal Politicians


Worldwide resentment towards the green agenda is rising. In recent elections in Ontario, Canada, seven Liberal Politicians who support the green energy and wind farms agenda were defeated. The casualties include the agriculture minister, the education minister and, most symbolically, the environment minister. The Conservatives won all seven of those seats.



Carbon Dioxide and the Politics of the Carbon Tax



Julia Gillard explains carbon dioxide to students:



Reduce Australian CO2 emissions and provide low cost power by … building new coal plants!

 From an article by Jo Nova & Tony Cox,
based on an idea and research by Anton Lang.


It’s the paradox that will torture the Greens. What if the best way to achieve their environmental aims as well as providing jobs and power was to build more coal fired power stations? Imagine if we could reduce CO2 emissions by more than 5%, supply 24 hour base load electricity, create jobs, and save thousands of square kilometres of Australian bush from industrial domination. Imagine if “New Coal” turned out to be the lowest cost alternative as well?

Old existing large scale coal fired power plants in Australia are all twenty to forty years old. Major advances have been made in coal-powered technology, and new coal plants are, incredibly, much more efficient, so much more efficient that they produce up to 30% less CO2. Who would have thought there was such a bonanza-cherry there, ripe for the picking?

“New large scale coal fired plants have generators that can produce considerably larger amounts of power, they use better turbines to drive the generator, have better boilers to make the steam to drive the turbine, and have better furnaces to make the heat to make that steam, and most importantly in this case, they burn less coal, do that more efficiently, and in the process emit less CO2.

"They are already using these new coal fired plants, especially in China, where large scale plants of this nature are being brought on line delivering power for consumers at the rate of one new plant a week."

We must start building new efficient power stations. We will do it in the end but it seems we must endure much cost and wasted resources before we can remove all the green fools from Parliament. In UK, Europe, Canada and soon Australia, the green tide has turned and politicians are going to feel the wrath of a betrayed and ripped off electorate.


Authorised by Viv Forbes


The Carbon Sense Coalition          
Rosevale via Rosewood

Qld     4340     Australia



“Carbon Sense” is a newsletter produced by the Carbon Sense Coalition, an Australian based organisation which opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food.

Please spread “Carbon Sense” around.

For more information visit our web site at

Literary, financial or other contributions to help our cause are welcomed.


Chairman Viv Forbes MS 23, Rosewood   Qld   4340   Australia.

0754 640 533        
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