Carbon Tax - the Magic Horn of Plenty

by Viv Forbes- Carbon Sense Coalition

We are told that the carbon tax will be "revenue neutral".


Big deal. So was the budget in Soviet Russia – they took 100% of your income and spent it all.


But carbon tax collectors look like spending far more than their income.


Those magicians in Canberra are going to reimburse all "low income" people for the effect of their carbon tax on the cost for electricity and food. And also reduce the petrol excise. And exempt export industries. And pay our share of the UN Cancun Climate giveaway of $100 billion per year. And give subsidies and tax breaks to Green Energy. And purchase carbon credits. And provide $800 million per year to the Climate Research Industry. And pay $5.6 million annually to feed the Tom Foolery Climate Commission. And pay the bills for the wall-to-wall meetings of the Climate Change junkies. And bribe farmers with soil carbon mirages. And pay to set up the Garnaut Carbon Bank. And pay for Garnaut's Independent Carbon Regulator.  And fund the Henry reforms of tax and social security.


We have a modern fiscal miracle –
"Carbon Tax – the Magic Horn of Plenty that never runs dry".

Goofy Green Ghouls are Grandstanding on Gas.


Drew Hutton, the King of the Greens in Queensland, has been arrested for trying to save farmland from Big Gas.


But it was the same Grandstanding Greens who started the gas boom with their baseless war on coal.


Then the Goofy Greens fed the gas boom with ceaseless puffery on wind and solar power. These toy generators need gas power to keep the lights on when the sun sets and the wind wanes.


Then the Green Taxaholics promoted a carbon dioxide tax on hot air.  This would force more industry from coal to gas.


And now the Green Ghouls hope to dance on the grave of nuclear power. If they succeed they will cause a world-wide mother of all gas booms.


There is no completely safe energy system. Coal, gas, oil, wind, solar energy, candles and cow dung all pose risk, some deaths and unexpected environmental changes. So do cold, poverty, pollution and disease. None of us are going to get out of this world alive. The real heroes of society are not those with never-ending scare stories but no feasible solutions. The real heroes of society are getting their hands dirty finding real solutions that solve real problems.


The artificial Green Gas boom will create thousands of drill holes and many pipelines across Queensland farms.


Farmers should hope the Green King goes to jail where he can do less harm.


The Public are Mad as Hell.

They are not going to take it any longer.

"The public are sick of the climate change debate,

and resentful at being constantly blamed
every time they drive a car or fly to Majorca.

We don’t believe it, we won’t vote for it, we won’t pay for it.

And the sooner the government catches up with the public mood, the better."


Roger Helmer, Member European Parliament, Brussels 31 March 2011. See:




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Climate facts Labor overlooked

by Bob Carter, Alan Moran & David Evans
April 3, 2011


An internal strategy paper has been provided to Labor MPs for use in the promotion of the Government’s proposed new carbon dioxide tax.  The full text of the paper is posted here:


An analysis of the strategy paper by the above authors concludes:


Climate change is real and continuous. 20,000 years ago present day New York was under a kilometre of ice and lower sea levels meant that early Australians were able to walk to Tasmania; and just 300 years ago, during the “Little Ice Age”, the world was again significantly colder than today.


Australians who witnessed the 2009 Victorian bushfires or this year’s Queensland floods and cyclones need no reminder that hazardous climate events and change are real. That is not the issue.


The real question is "Do we face dangerous global warming caused by the production of carbon dioxide from human activity?”


The relevant facts are:

(i) that mild warming of a few tenths of a degree of warming occurred in the late 20th century, but that so far this century global temperature has not risen; and

(ii) that no direct evidence, as opposed to speculative computer projections, exists to demonstrate that the late 20th century warming was dominantly, or even measurably, caused by human-sourced carbon dioxide emissions.

To read the full critique by Carter et al see:


Authorised by: Viv Forbes

The Carbon Sense Coalition


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