Lights on for 'Earth Hour".

A statement by Viv Forbes, Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition.

For Immediate Release, 25 March 2011



The Carbon Sense Coalition said today that celebrating “Blackout Night” at the time of the March equinox, half-way between mid-summer and mid-winter in both hemispheres, shows that "Earth Hour" is nothing more than green tokenism.


The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that this date, with the sun exactly on the equator, was cynically placed on the mildest night of the year to ensure that the candles and champagne parties are unlikely to be inconvenienced by summer heat or winter snow.


"Sensible people know that the sun, the planets and the seasons control earth's cycles of weather and climate, and they appreciate man's magic of electricity which allows them to moderate nature's periodic extremes of heat and cold at the flick of a switch.


“Instead of sneering at human achievements, they should salute the people who provide light, heat and cooling for the other 364 days of the year.


“Our salute will be to turn on every light on our property, and we urge all supporters to do the same."


For those who would like to read more see:


Return to the caves:


Hail to Electricity:


The Road to more Blackout nights:


Earth Hour – a Dissent


Authorised by : Viv Forbes

The Carbon Sense Coalition

MS 23, Rosewood, Qld 4340

0754 640 533 

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