The Battle of our Times

March 2011 


This year will see the climax of the Climate War in Australia. Once the new Senators take their seats Gillard and the Greens will try to legislate their carbon dioxide tax followed by the carbon rationing scheme.


We can expect no help from the big end of town – they are too busy designing exemptions or benefits for themselves. All stops will be pulled out with the government media, the research mercenaries, the climate change industry and paid spruikers like Garnaut and Flannery all firing broadsides.


Opposing them are a few independent scientists, a few sceptical journalists, a growing band of bloggists and thousands of concerned consumers and tax payers.


Politics is a numbers game, so we need help from every member and supporter. Please pass on these messages to friends and associates, write letters to the media, swamp the politicians with questions and opposition, swell the numbers at rallies and protests, ask awkward questions of politicians in public, and recruit new supporters.


The taxaholics will fail in the end, but the longer this scam continues the greater the cost and harm done to our economy, our cost of living and our environment.


No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.


Please play a part in this great battle of our times.

Viv Forbes


Green Peasants of the Pacific


The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that Australia and New Zealand were in danger of becoming the green peasants of the Pacific.


The Chairman of "Carbon Sense", Mr Viv Forbes, said that the only way the two countries could achieve their unrealistic emissions targets was by exporting their industries, reducing their population or creating chronic recession.


In a detailed submission to the New Zealand Government, the Carbon Sense Coalition concludes that their emissions targets are not feasible, not sustainable and not justified.


The submission, entitled "Clean, Green and Barefoot in the Snow" can be found at:


"The submission analyses the maths of the proposal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 50% of 1990 levels by 2050.


"In the period from the base year of 1990 to 2010, New Zealand emissions have grown by 22%. This 22% growth will need to be eliminated before the Kiwis get to the start of the process of achieving 50% cuts from 1990 levels.


"Moreover, New Zealand's population has also grown since 1990, and is expected to rise from 3.5 million in 1990 to 6.2 million by 2050.


"As a result, the maths shows that the 50% cut to 1990 levels by 2050 will require Kiwis to reduce emissions per capita by 73% from 1990 levels. Will their grandkids learn to happily live on just 27% of the resources used now?


"Even in the Great Depression, production of carbon dioxide only fell by 25% from booming 1929 to the dreary bottom in 1932, when many people minimised their emissions by queuing quietly outside soup kitchens.


"These targets thus promise to be three times worse than the great depression.


See:  (page 13).


"There are four major sources of man's production of carbon dioxide in Australia and New Zealand - transport, electricity generation, agriculture and basic industries such as cement, steel and aluminium. (Of course this excludes heavy breathing from 25 million humans).


"Politicians need to explain to us how they plan to massively cut our use of carbon fuels in all of these essentials of modern life. (Their preferred solution is ration cards, called Emission Permits.)


"The only options feasible today are greatly increased use of hydro, nuclear or geothermal energy to produce electricity and some use of electric powered cars and buses in cities.


"It seems politically improbably that large new hydro or nuclear plants will be built in a hurry in either country and geothermal will never fill the gap in time. Meanwhile the green subsidysuckers like wind, solar and biofuels are already causing the de-industrialisation of Europe.


"Our politicians are gambling massive community assets on some wobbly computer forecasts of global warming. But nature will continue to surprise us with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tornados, fires or even global cooling.


"Climate is always changing. Mankind must do what successful humans have always done – be prepared for the next disaster, whatever it is. Then be equipped to recover and rebuild afterwards. And take all forecasts with a grain of salt.


"Both Australia and New Zealand would be better off today if all the money wasted on the climate change industry had been spent building more robust infrastructure and establishing shelters and emergency resources. Money spent on preparation for provision of water, electricity, communications, medical services and shelter after a disaster will be far more appreciated by victims than knowing that our politicians are playing a leading role in the Climate Change Circus. Reliable forecasts of flood levels and research into earthquake prediction would be far more useful than wild guesses about minute change in global temperature, many decades ahead.


"New Zealand aims to be the Leader of the Lemmings in our region. The Green/Gillard government in Australia is longing to follow.


"But who else in our region will renew their Kyoto vows of poverty?


"Not India or China; not Japan or Taiwan; not Canada, USA or South America - no one will follow us in the race to become the Green Peasants of the Pacific."


"Some consensus!"


Politicians Produce Pollution.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colourless, non-toxic natural gas occurring in trace amounts in our atmosphere. It is crucial to all life on earth. Plants extract CO2 from the air and all animals get their carbon based proteins, sugars and fats from plants.


CO2 is also the source of that other crucial gas of life – oxygen. Plants use solar energy and the magic of photosynthesis to extract carbon from carbon dioxide and release the oxygen back to the air. Human activity completes the carbon cycle of life by burning the carbon food and fuels for energy and releasing CO2 back to the atmosphere.


Currently for every million molecules of air there are about 390 molecules of CO2 – a tiny amount which is almost the lowest it has ever been in the long history of the planet. At just 150 parts per million (ppm) plants starve and plant growth ceases. Most life probably evolved at levels of 1,000 ppm or more. The dinosaurs flourished in air with 1,800 ppm of CO2 400 million years ago, life flourished with 4,500 ppm CO2. US Submariners live comfortably in air with 8,000 ppm and normal human lungs exhale air with 40,000 ppm.


At what level does this gas of life morph into "pollution" and attract a carbon tax?


Or is the term "carbon pollution" just another misleading Wongism?


For a revealing look at the importance of wonderful carbon to our world see: 

The Ultimate Goal of the Climatists is to

 Lay Hands on a Massive Tax Stream and

 Make the World Safe for Bureaucracy


Closing Down Australia.


Let's suppose that the climatists get their way and all man-made production of carbon dioxide ceases in Australia.


In this green utopia, all of today's cars, trucks, tractors, trains, ships and planes are scrapped. All refineries, cement plants, steel works and carbon-fired power stations are silent. All cows, sheep, goats and pigs have been slaughtered and rabbits and kangaroos feed on the weed infested wheat fields. Carbon forests have smothered our grasslands and all Australians are either holding their breath or have emigrated to sane havens.


Using the IPCC's own figures, such a total shut-down of all man-made CO2 in Australia would reduce global temperature in 2050 by just 0.0154° C below what it would have otherwise been. And the sea level may be 2mm lower.

It hardly seems worth it.


Let's just deport the climatists instead.


For those with an interest to dig further into this garbage heap have a look here: 


The Lord Monckton Tour


Lord Monckton will return to Australia in late June. Details are still being worked out. The Carbon Sense Coalition has promised $500 towards the costs of this tour, which is $400 higher than our income since the start of the year. Assistance to close the shortfall appreciated!


Lights on for Earth Hour


Next week, on Saturday 26th March, the pretentious preachers of the green religion will try to score points by celebrating darkness, cold and poverty. Let's celebrate the magic of electricity instead – the source of light, heat, transport, safety, entertainment and pollution control in our world.

Those who prefer the world without electricity and all its benefits should move immediately to the disaster zone of Japan.


The Ron Kitching Letter Contest


It is my sad duty to report the death of my friend and great ally in the fight for Carbon Sense, Ron Kitching. Our obituary to Ron can be seen here:


Among his many achievements and accomplishments, Ron perfected the art of purposeful letter writing. His letters illustrated what a good media letter should be – short, one major point, short sentences, plain words, picturesque, good punch line.


He would be delighted to know that many other people were picking up his banner. So please honour Ron by keeping up his output of letters. Every month we will select and publish the best letter we get.


Green Ghouls Chase Catastrophes


We all sympathise with those unfortunate Japanese people hit by the multiple disasters – earthquake, tsunami, infrastructure destruction and nuclear damage and dangers.


Naturally the Green ambulance chasers are ready to blame carbon dioxide and nuclear power for all the evils.


Immediately after the quake one site had a story and pictures headlined "Today's tsunami: This is what climate change looks like"; another "climate change may cause tsunamis directly . . ."; another "some islands affected by climate change have already been hit . . . we need solidarity in combating and adapting to climate change . . . .  Mother Nature has again given us a sign that that is what we need to do".


 "When the (polar) ice is lost (from global warming) "the earth's crust bounces back up again and that triggers earthquakes, which triggers submarine landslides, which cause tsunamis." Unfortunately the Arctic ice is floating, so has no effect on the earth's crust and neither of earth's ice caps are melting unusually.


Slow off the mark but more scary in their predictions of imminent and world-wide doom are the anti-nuclear crowd, rejuvenated by the best disaster they have enjoyed for decades. Time will tell what damage will be done by the nuclear damage in Japan, but scare mongers will ensure that nuclear power is delayed and regulated to death in western societies.


Sometime soon, surely even the ABC/BBC alarmists will grow tired of these green ghouls and serial scaremongers.


Let us teach our children that the world is a lovely place, that the sun will rise tomorrow, that there are good humans who can achieve miracles and we have a place in this world.


Goofy Green Gas Policies –


The Greens promote the consumption of gas 

but oppose the production of gas.


Let's look at what will keep the lights on in the Green New World?


COAL - their insistence on carbon capture and burial and carbon taxes are stupid and unnecessary ideas but they will ensure that generating electricity from coal is uneconomic and too wasteful of resources to contemplate. 


    So coal is out (in some places, for now).


  • HYDRO – no emissions, generally low cost, "renewable" but every site with have some threatened species that will prevent any significant hydro developments. 


    So hydro is out (except in China).


  • WIND and SOLAR – the subsidysucker jokes of the power game. A very diffuse source of unreliable energy with a huge environmental footprint, growing opposition from landowners and producing a piddling output of high cost power. Doubtful if either reduces emissions of carbon dioxide. Both will require backup generating capacity, which in Australia means gas.


    So wind and solar are out (the real power will come mainly from gas or coal). 


  • GEOTHERMAL and TIDAL – both can deliver reliable low cost power in a few special locations. Neither is likely to deliver significant power to Australian cities or industries in the near future. And should they start to look feasible somewhere, the serial scaremongers will appear to create some new environmental scare.


    So geothermal and tidal are out (in most places).


  • NUCLEAR – will undoubtedly supply large quantities of economical and reliable power using new technology in places like China and India, and mini nuclear plants will power remote or disaster sites. Old nuclear plants will continue in France and USA. But few new stations will be authorised elsewhere because of the new generation of scared children.


    So nuclear is out (for quite a while).

  • GAS –gas is another natural hydrocarbon, just like coal and oil; when burnt it produces heat, water and carbon dioxide, just like coal and oil. However in the fairyland world of the green dreamers, gas is somehow "clean, green and renewable" (for now at least). 


    Gas is also becoming cheap and abundant thanks to deep shale deposits and new drilling and extraction techniques. And gas power plants are relatively cheap and quick to erect. Gas can also power transport vehicles. 


    So the ironic result of all the green scaremongering on energy is that much of the new supply of electricity in places like Australia will come from gas. 


    But gas has to be collected from large areas of land. Already greens are trying to scare up votes from landowners threatened by numerous gas wells and pipelines. Greens thus promote the consumption of gas but oppose the production of gas.


    Risk-Free Cost Free Energy?


    "By now, the following fact should be quite obvious: All sources of energy pose some sort of risk or cost. Risk-free, cost-free energy is a complete myth and simply does not, and will not, exist.

"Groups that never propose realistic solutions are simply not worth taking seriously. Unfortunately, this characterizes the arguments put forth by some environmentalists. They should not be given a seat at the adults' table until they demonstrate an ability to propose a serious solution to the most serious of problems.


Alex B. Berezow, Editor RealClearScience. 

  • And so we get back to . . . . . . COAL.


    Absolute safety is unobtainable for anyone this side of the grave. However some day soon, out of the rubble of all the green energy waste and destruction, we will again discover the cheapest, least harmful, most reliable and least obtrusive energy source for most places today. China and India know that already, we will spend a fortune to re-discover it. 


    KING COAL will rise again.

The Carbon Dioxide Tax

Ten dishonest slogans about global warming, and ten little facts. 

Professor Bob Carter has produced an analysis of the dishonest propaganda used by Gillard and the Greens to support their tax on carbon dioxide.  This tax will have no effect on global climate, no benefits for Australia, will have a huge regulatory and compliance cost, and the wealth redistribution and exemptions planned negate the stated purpose of the tax.


For more information see: 


Can You Help?


We need to get people laughing at the stupidity of the arguments and proposals of the climatists. If you are a cartoonist, write limericks or write parables please send them in. If you are a good editor who can respond quickly to improve draft reports and statements, please let us know.



The Carbon Dioxide Tax Revolt


Gillard and the Greens are determined to introduce the carbon dioxide tax within the next twelve months. This has provoked a storm of community protest. Diverse groups all over the place are planning protests.


This Hot Air Tax proposal has provoked the biggest public outcry I have seen for a long while. The internet is shimmering with rage, and now even the climate alarmists are becoming alarmed at the opposition they have suddenly stirred up. Web sites, petitions, new organisations and rallies are springing spontaneously into life. Naturally the Green Regiments supported by government propagandists and government advertising will try to defuse and denigrate this protest as the work of a few vested interests. So we need many ordinary people to show up in force with sensible placards and cutting comments all over Australia.



For petitions see: 



Canberra Rally:



Other rallies: 



Brisbane rally:

A rally will start in King George Square, Brisbane at 12.30pm next Wednesday March 23 rd. It is planned that there will be speeches until 1:15pm and then a march to Parliament House where the protest will be repeated.


There will be another Brisbane rally on May 7th.



Authorised by: Viv Forbes


The Carbon Sense Coalition

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