This is one for the sceptics.

by Robin Grieve,

Pastural Farming Climate Research 

17 March 2011 

The Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith is planning to join the Sceptics Society at a lunch in one of Christchurch’s highest, oldest, stone buildings – on the day that “moon man” Ken Ring says the city could be hit by another devastating earthquake.

The lunch will be held at noon on March 20 at the Sign of the Kiwi, on the top of the Port Hills – which Smith said was the closest building to the epicentre of the February 22 quake.

Smith who has a doctorate in geotechnical engineering, said he took a very dim view of people causing alarm with no scientific underpinning.

Excuse me; this is the Minister of something which most people don’t even believe is happening.

Global warmers like him continually cause alarm by claiming global warming is happening with no scientific underpinning. They claim that global warming brings more adverse weather events yet no science underpins that. In fact the Earth is in a quiet phase for adverse weather events as highlighted by the recent conference in NZ where experts in extreme weather got together to discuss extreme weather, (what else would they discuss?). Scott Power a scientist from Australia stated that we are in fact in a quiet period when it comes to extreme weather compared to a few decades ago. This is despite all that extra CO2 and the warming it was supposed to have caused.Matbe global warming is causeing more settled weather Dr Smith and isn’t that a good thing? Or maybe global warming is just a load of rubbish.

This is off topic for me, this is not a global warming sceptic society, we are only concerned with livestock emissions but on that Nick Smith has stated that when livestock convert CO2 to CH4 this causes warming. He is wrong on that and he is again alarming people with no scientific underpinning himself.

He is a hypocrite. There is no scientific link between livestock numbers and the methane concentration and the atmosphere. This is confirmed by science yet Smith says there is.

There is also no scientific underpinning of his claim that livestock emissions of methane from livestock produced from a steady state of production causes an increase in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere.

These people like Smith make me sick because they ignore the human cost of the bullshit they spread. They ignore the science for political reasons and leave farmers to cop the flak for being called polluters when they are not. People have contacted me who are genuinely distressed at the future economic viability of their farm with a rampant ETS. An ETS which National could have fixed by listening to the sound science around livestock emissions but didn’t, and because of this failure by National, farmers will one day be at the mercy of an ETS with livestock emissions in it and under the control of a Labour Green Govt.

I have son in Christchurch and the last thing I want for the people of Christchurch is for Ken Ring’s prediction to come true. I also do not wish Nick Smith any ill and I hope that the only thing he chokes on at lunch are his words, but I do hope for a lightening bolt of wisdom to strike him at some point and that Gluckman guy, who agrees with Smith on Ken Ring and on global warming, and they both see how hypocritical they are and they realise that their scaremongering over global warming and their claims about livestock’s role in it are dishonest, destructive and despicable and they both should know better.

There are people more despicable though and these are the sick individuals who link global warming to earthquakes, they trade on the misery of others to promote their cause. There is no science underpinning what they say although I have not as yet heard Gluckman or Smith complain about what these people are saying.

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