GOP targeting greenhouse-gas regs

'Last thing America can afford is to lock away our own resources' 

By Gene Koprowski
13 January 2011

New House Energy Committee Chairman Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., and his GOP colleagues figure the best environmental policy is for Congress to overturn the Obama EPA's greenhouse-gas regulations, and he's moving forward on that front, assembling a new legal team with the expertise to combat the rules critics describe as overreaching, WND has learned.

President Obama's policies have been "job killing," Upton told WND, and his committee will "take the lead" in the new Congress and "foster a new era of job growth, fight rampant regulations, fortify our energy security, cut spending and reduce the size of government."

The Democrats last year tried but failed to pass a law to limit greenhouse gases and enable companies to buy and sell pollution permits, an idea known as "cap and trade." Conservatives call the plan "cap and tax" because it would raise energy prices. The measure passed former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's House, even nabbing a vote from Republican Rep. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., but was not brought to a vote in the Senate.

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