Concerned Citizen- more protocols needed?

" ... the role of negative feedback processes are played down by global warming alarmists, whereas sceptics point to the four-billion-year-old global climate record that shows runaway global cooling or warming has never occurred because negative feedbacks regulate the global climate system.
It is important to consider the above in the proper context. Change is a constant feature of climate, even through recent human history. During the Medieval Warm Period, from 900 to 1200AD, the Vikings sailed in Arctic waters that by 1700 had turned to permanent sea ice, and farmed in Greenland soil in a climate that soon became too cold for agriculture.
The Medieval Warm Period was followed by the Little Ice Age which ended around 1850. It in turn was followed by another warm period. The hottest year since 1850 was 1998. In the nine years since 2002 average annual global temperature has not risen ... "
So there! Can't you dum skeppt—  septik—  scetkip—  deniers get the messidge? Even Chris de Fritters misses the point although he actually quotes it, the climate went cold since them Vikings viked but has now been warming since. 
And if temperaturse hasn't risen in a decade that's because the Kowtow Proticole has finally started kicking in.  Get this, you dummies, the actions taken so far (despite your oppersition) has worked! A bit, we've obviosly stopped it getting hotter but we need more not less Proticoles.
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