Feeding the World - A Load of Rubbish

Dear Editor,

                     Gwynne Dyer ( Worldwatch 12/01/11) makes his usual sense – nonsense, that is !

There are indeed projections that show the population growing by 35% to 9 Billion and beyond – these being one basis for the IPCC’s dire climate change predictions. Other estimates show a downturn after 2050.

However, as the population grows so does humankind’s generation of CO2 – with estimates of a doubling by century’s end; but this requires that every scrap of the world’s energy-store be burned (oil, gas, coal, wood, cow-dung ….)

Over 600 studies (bracketed figures) have been published on the effect of increasing CO2 on food plant yields :-

-       Wheat yields (235) increase by 32.1 ± 1.8 %

-       Rice (182) by 34.4 ± 1.8 %

-       Soybean (179) by 46.5 ± 2.8 %

-       Maize (20) by 21.3 ± 4.9 %


These are the four biggest crops in calorific terms, and will obviously keep pace with population growth, entirely due to CO2 emission increase (which is why commercial greenhouses often use CO2-enriched air at 900-1000 ppm.).

In addition, such improved yields require appreciably less water as plants don’t have to open as many stomata. Not that this poses a problem as the prophesized global warming inevitably brings more rain …..

Dave Finney, Matua 

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