Forget Climate Taxes - Climate will still Change & Man must Adapt and Cope.

from Carbon-Sense with Viv Forbes

 Forget Climate Taxes –

 Climate always Changes,

 and Man must Adapt.


The Carbon Sense Coalition today accused Western Governments of massive waste of community savings on frivolous climate "research" and alternative energy toys while neglecting the infrastructure needed to maintain sustainable societies in the face of an unknown climate future.


The Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that none of the massive government climate spending has produced anything of long term use to the people paying their bills.


"The US government spends over two thousand million dollars on "climate research" but the recipients were completely unable to forecast the frigid winter they are now suffering. That money would be better spent on snow ploughs and highway improvements.


"Australian governments are spending at least eight hundred million dollars on "climate research", but were unable to forecast the massive floods now affecting much of Australia. That money would have been better spent on water storage and flood-proofing roads, bridges and airports.


"The UK Government plans to spend one thousand million pounds on carbon capture and burial schemes and untold billions on wind power subsidies, but wind provided almost zero power when needed in the recent freeze. In places, the wind towers actually consumed electricity to protect them from frost damage. UK residents would have been better off had all of that money been spent on reliable power sources and snow-proof infrastructure.


"It is time for all western politicians to recognise climate reality. Changing climate and weather extremes are enduring features of earth's history. This reality exists even if not one elected member recognises it.


"Change is what climate does – floods or droughts, stinking hot or snow storms, stilly nights or violent hurricanes.


"The cycles of ice age extinctions and verdant warm eras are well recorded in earth history. Only 17,000 years ago, much of the northern hemisphere was covered in ice and sea levels were 130m lower. Then followed a long warm period with several peaks hotter than today. This time of warm abundance was terminated by a sudden return of the cold.


"But good times returned with the Roman Warming. It was not Roman use of coal which caused the warming and no carbon tax triggered the lethal Dark Ages cooling which followed.


"Then, with no help from man's carbon dioxide, earth recovered into the Medieval Warming Period but soon slipped back into the bitter Little Ice Age that helped defeat Napoleon's Grand Army in Russia.


"Finally, well before man's engines and smelters became numerous, the Modern Warming started.


"Unfortunately, this warming too will end when the earth, moon, sun and stars command. Taxing carbon to subsidise green playthings will not stop the floods, prevent the snow or change future climate.


"Man must do what every one of our ancestors did – adapt to climate change or suffer the consequences."



For those interested in recent climate cycles see:


If you want to get angry on how they are wasting your savings see:


And to gauge how difficult it is to get governments to come clean on just how much they do spend see:


Here's a hint of UK expenditure on wind generators:



Magnifying National Disasters.


Queensland is suffering terrible floods, and many people have lost lives, property, homes, animals and crops. We have enormous sympathy for those who have suffered so badly.


Unfortunately, there is nothing so bad that government action cannot make it worse.


The Queensland floods have attracted a flood of politicians, and not one brought a bucket or a shovel. All are preparing master plans for how, when, where and why flooded people can rebuild their homes and businesses. And lots of officials are jostling to get dictatorial powers over ordinary mortals and their properties. People not allowed to re-enter their homes "until we have deemed it safe". Repairs, of course, must get approvals from people who have probably never built anything. And of course, this terrible flooding is "an example of the extreme climate we will get unless we introduce a carbon tax."


The most useful thing they can do is get their road, rail, air, water and power infrastructure working quickly and suspend all the red tape rigmarole preventing people from cleaning, repairing and rebuilding as quickly as possible.  They would be amazed at what free people would achieve.


Here is an article written 20 years ago which is still relevant today:



Was 2010 the Warmest year Ever?


The warm peaks of the last 100 years were 1934, 1998 and maybe 2010.


But where do they rank in a longer term list of warm years?


Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year (1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in a longer-term list.


The climate has been warming slowly since the Little Ice Age, but it has quite a ways to go yet before reaching the temperature levels that persisted for nearly all of the past 10,500 years.


It’s really much to-do about nothing.

For a good summary of temperature trends see:

And for responses to a recent alarmist article in "The Australian" see:
 "Lies, Damn Lies and Global Warming Statistics" at:


The Carbon Tax Committee reveals its plans for their
Tax on Hot Air.

While we were all busy preparing for Christmas the Gillard/Greens coalition announced the 11 principles that will guide their planned carbon tax. We have just 6 months to kill this idea. We must restore certainty to the energy and electricity industries by deciding the new tax on carbon will be ZERO.


For an assessment on the Hot Air Tax by Professor Bob Carter see:



Pictures worth a Thousand Words.

Thanks to Alan Caruba and the cartoonists for uncovering these gems:



Enquiry on Wind Farms

The Australian Senate has called a public inquiry on wind farms. The deadline is Feb 10th.

Wind Power has very little to recommend it. If private investors wish to risk their savings on these speculative ventures, they should not get handouts from governments or electricity consumers, and should have no power to force landowners or power retailers to accept them.


Wind power is not new or innovative – the world has given us plenty of disastrous examples in Spain, UK, California, Denmark and here in Australia. They are intrusive, unreliable, costly and ugly additions to our environment and our economy. They waste capital and provide little savings of carbon dioxide emissions (even if that were a desirable aim.)


Here is just one comment on the performance of UK wind power recently:

Follow us on Twitter

Carbon Sense now has a twitter page now and if you follow it, you will get a short note every time an article is added to our Carbon Sense web site. Visit:



Stop Press: Thanks to all the people who have asked how we are faring in the great floods of 2011. We live on high ground so are safe from flood waters. The rain has filled all dams (and burst one), replenished underground water and soaked the soils. But on the flood plains in the valley, people have been washed away and drowned and tremendous damage has been done to towns, houses and properties and roads are badly eroded. Farm animals and wildlife are suffering from hunger and exposure. Weak ones will die unless we see some sun soon.                   Viv & Judy Forbes 


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