Wikileaks and claim of warmest year on record, expose climate criminality-and response by Concerned Citizen

by Dr. Tim Ball

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive!
~ Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Question; How and why can a year be claimed as the warmest on record two months before it is over? Answer: To help participants in Cancun Climate Conference desperate because the public don’t believe, funding and power is being lost, as their deceptions are exposed.

Most believe 2010 is the warmest year ever, which is what government weather agencies, proponents of anthropogenic global warming and their supporters want. What is actually claimed is that 2010 is on the way to being the warmest on record, but they know media headlines will distort and USA Today along with others obliges with; 2010: Warmest year on record.

Distortion and deception became necessary to support the collapsing exploitation of climate science (Figure 1) faced by all enjoying the warmth of Cancun Mexico while attending the Conference of the Parties (COP) 16 climate meeting. The paradox of record cold wasn’t lost on the public.

Read the full article at:




Here's a snippet from something I glanced through tonight. As farmers you and some of your readers might identify with bits of it—
" ... They were exploiting climate to destroy developed economies and in doing so have caused untold trauma, disruption, costs and despair. Billions of dollars were wasted on research. False economies were created to promote alternative energy and green jobs. Viable industries and businesses have disappeared or are pushed to the edge with unnecessary costs and regulations. Real problems were ignored. Countries that went further down the false CO2 path, such as Spain, are already paying a high price. Food prices are just one example. They soar as corn is diverted to produce biofuels ... "
—as for me, no way! 
I have unlimitable faith in my leaders, my Mr Key, my Government, my United Nations, and their unstintingly selfless  infinite wisdom; no amount of anti-planet propaganda can divert me from the One True Path which is to (a) vote for John Key and/or the nearest Greenie, and (b) to dip their hands into my wallet at any and every opportunity. Nay, I'll take a second and third job (who really needs to sleep?) just so's I can pay more taxes to save the planet.
(Actually Doc Tim Ball has an interesting podcast on Rockwell too, but don't trust him an inch. He claims to be an environmentalist, the utter swine.)
On the BBC tonight they had a snippet about Russian icebreakers fighting their way through six foot deep ice to free some 500 sailors trapped on several ships. Stupid! Honestly, all they had to do was read the news and listen to Al Gore and they'd know there's no such thing as ice any more. Sheesh!
What kinda gullible idiots do they take us for, really?





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