
Pastural Farming Climate Research newsletter, 9 December 2010 

Its danger time at Cancun, the bureaucrats have handed over to the politicians for the final week. Our politicians would still like to sign NZ up to a binding post Kyoto agreement. For NZ’s sake we hope they fail.

Our politicians are becoming increasingly moronic when it comes to global warming.

David Carter while visiting Northland and declaring a drought said the increase in significant drought events indicates we’re living in a time of significant climate change

That settles it, climate change must be happening, because we never used to have droughts before.

Climate is the overall conditions we experience over a 30 year period. Weather is what we get from day to day, month to month even year to year. Yes it is dry in Northland and it is the second year in a row after 15 reasonably wet years. How this says anything about climate, (the weather pattern over a 30 year period) is beyond me. I think it is beyond David Carter as well, I think a lot of things are beyond him.

Then we have Nick Smith at Cancun saying

“Forestry was a key issue for New Zealand. We therefore welcome the progress being made towards workable accounting rules that have environmental integrity,” he said.

Does that mean he is admitting the present accounting rules don’t have environmental integrity? So why did the National Government sign up to these rules in 1997 at Kyoto? And why did the current National Government design major economic policy, namely the ETS, using accounting rules that have no environmental integrity?

The Government wants rules that will allow it to lock up emissions where wood is harvested but used in the production of furniture rather than have it count as being consumed and its emissions released on felling. Great Nick, but what about the leather and wool that is in the furniture, what is he doing about allowing these emissions to be locked up? Sweet nothing!

The talks, which require unanimity to progress, are seeking a successor for the UN’s 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The United States never joined Kyoto, Japan has pulled support for a successor unless the USA comes in and it won’t because it is not a stupid country. So Tim Groser and his band of fools won’t get an agreement. Thanks Uncle Sam.

The emphasis at Cancun is changing away from trying to get an agreement on reducing emissions and instead is looking for an agreement that will just see developed countries giving money to developing countries to compensate them from the ravages of global warming. This should be a lot easier, the developing countries will be happy because they get money. The developed countries will be happy because they don’t have to change their fossil fuel burning ways, they just have to stump up a bit of money and job done, climate change sorted.

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