ACT Welcomes News On ETS – But More Is Needed

ACT Deputy Leader and Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today welcomed news that Climate Change Minister Dr Nick Smith is seriously considering delaying the inclusion of agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), and called on him to now revisit the provisions relating to forestry.

“Dr Smith’s indication that the inclusion of agriculture may be further delayed is a victory for ACT and for commonsense,”

“The reality is that we shouldn’t even be considering the inclusion of agriculture while the technology to reduce agriculture emissions is still being developed, and there is currently very little that farmers can do to reduce their emissions levels. 

“This is particularly so, as no other country in the world has incorporated agriculture into an emissions trading scheme. 

“I now call on Dr Smith to look again at the provisions of the ETS that affect forestry.

“Since July 1, New Zealanders have been forced to pay higher prices for electricity and fuel.  Under the current system that money is going directly to foresters, to whom the ETS grants enormous subsidies.

“This is completely unfair.  Times are tough enough as it is and many families are struggling.  They should not have to pay more of their hard-earned money so the Government can subsidise foresters,” Mr Boscawen said. 

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