Why Compromise with the ETS is Defeat- Viv Forbes, Carbon-sense

By Viv Forbes

The next few weeks are crucial. Australians can choose to assist the creation of the World Carbon Rationing, Tax and Redistribution Authority, administered by the United Nations, or we can take a step on the road back to energy and climate sanity.

The first step to sanity is to ensure that the opposition votes at all times to REJECT whatever Ration-N-Tax Scheme the Rudd government tries to get on the law books before the Copenhagen Climate Conclave. We must give no encouragement whatsoever to this international cabal of levellers.
Malcolm Turnbull and the warmist wing of the Liberal Party think that they are being politically savvy and achieving something useful by negotiating with the devil on a few clauses of the ETS (Extra Tax System). In matters as crucial as this, compromise is defeat.
In the long run, complete destruction of the ETS and the Climate Control Industry and its legislative mountain is far more important than one election, or the future of the Liberal Party. Like a dead fish, the Liberal Party is rotting from the head. Its survival is unimportant for Australians in the total scheme of things.
So we either block Rudd’s Ration-N-Tax Scheme now or, if blockage is impossible, we let them run riot and then use the backlash (and a new opposition with backbone) to then throw out ALL of the old extreme garbage of the Wong Ration-N-Tax Scheme, together with the Rudd government. We must not give birth to a compromise.

Compromise makes a good umbrella but a bad roof.
J R Lowell, 1884.
If Turnbull gets his way, and some weak compromise gets onto the law books, it will produce nothing but harm for ever more. Because of all the “mates-rates exemptions” and “free permits for friends” it will not be so obviously bad that people will throw it out at the first opportunity. With cunning manipulation, the initial effects may not be dramatic, and people will say: “Well the deniers ran a big scare campaign but the world did not end with the introduction of the Ration-N-Tax Scheme”.
However, even if many of the “compromise” exemptions remain for some time, all the red tape, regulators, hidden taxes, subsidies, redistributions, scams, frauds and mis-allocation of investment capital will infect the blood of the economy, remaining as a leaking stomach ulcer of chronic costs that no one can recognise, but everyone will suffer from.
Now is the time to draw a line in the sand.
Every one of us needs to make sure that our local member knows that, unless he opposes the Ration-N-Tax Scheme, he will not only lose our vote, but also that we will actively work against him (or her).
Which politicians can we support? The Climate Sceptics Party, though new and small, is the most informed and dedicated. Support them. Senators Barnaby Joyce, Ron Boswell and the Nationals have risked all on uncompromising opposition to the Extra Tax System. Support them. The brave Senator Steve Fielding stood alone against the tide. Support him and his Family First Party. Support also the DLP, the Citizens Electoral Council, One Nation and any Independent who opposes the Ration-N-Tax Scheme.
Use the preferential voting system to rank even the unpalatable options. Put all alarmists and fellow travellers last.
Finally, if in doubt “Throw the incumbent out”.

You may turn if you wish.
This lady is not for turning.
Margaret Thatcher to the wets in her Conservative Party who recommended she compromise more.
Make no mistake. The Ration-N-Tax Scheme is not something to take lightly. It will be as complicated as the Income Tax Act, as relentless as the GST, as destructive as the Global Financial Crisis and as prone to corruption as the UN.
And it will have no effect that anyone can measure on the climate. There is zero chance it will “improve” the climate. And the only way it can reduce man-made production of carbon dioxide is by depressing the economy. All of those fatuous targets discussed with great solemnity in conclaves of fools meeting in world tourist destinations have no chance whatsoever of being achieved except by a long chronic economic depression. As accurately as any other measure, emissions of carbon dioxide monitor economic activity. As China and India recognise very clearly, cap it and you cap economic activity.
The Ration-N-Tax Scheme has two more insidious elements.
Firstly, once they get any sort of watered down bill on the books, you can be sure it will give authority to the bureaucracy (ie the Minister of the day) to change rates, remove exemptions or reduce the cap without further reference to Parliament. Like so many government levies and taxes, once the principle is accepted, the rates will inevitably rise. In fact, after the first year at a low fixed carbon tax rate, the rate will be “set by the market”, and government will manipulate the permits issued to ensure the “carbon price” keeps rising. Politicians will then blame “market forces” for the increasing carbon tax with its noxious effect on jobs and consumer costs.
For those still contemplating the benefits of a compromise on the establishment of this monster new tax, ask this: “When did you last see a tax abolished”?

Once you consent to some concession,
you can never cancel it and put things back the way they were.
Howard Hughes.
Secondly, the western world is teetering on the edge of the world carbon tax abyss. For the next month or so, there is no scare story too extreme, no compromise too tawdry, and no trade-off too un-principled, just to get something “agreed” and subject to some sort of “International Treaty”.
The unelected Climate Controllers in the UN’s IPCC know that the likes of Obama, Rudd and Brown will all lose office sooner or later. They want “The Copenhagen Treaty” to be so formatted that no-one can pull out once they put a foot on the sticky paper. Co-operative International Courts will try to override state sovereignty so that even if a new opposition is swept into power with a mandate to “clean the stables”, this “International Treaty” status will be used to defy the will of the people. Australian and US workers will become slaves, obliged to continually pay “climate compensation” to all the failed states of the world, and to pick up the tab to keep the IPCC cadre flying to places like Rio and Bali for their regular sabbaticals.
Christopher Monckton recently warned America about the likely loss of sovereignty. It was reported here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/10/us_sovereignty_and_the_climate_1.html
You can watch his entire 1 hour 35 minute presentation. It is well worth the time if you can spare it.
The slide-show he frequently points to in this presentation can be viewed along with the video. See: http://www.friendsofscience.org/assets/documents/monckton_2009.pdf
Lord Monckton presents a series of statistics, charts and studies making a compelling case that not only is global warming insignificant - if it exists at all - but it is likely not man-made, and more importantly, that the global warming alarmists have repeatedly, blatantly and deliberately lied, suppressing the facts to promote the myth.
Despite his effective refutation of manmade global warming, his closing remarks about the Copenhagen Treaty are chilling:
“I read that treaty. And what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word "government" actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, "climate debt" because we've been burning CO2 and they haven't. We've been screwing up the climate and they haven't. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.
“So, thank you, America. You were the beacon of freedom to the world. It is a privilege merely to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still free. But, in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your humanity away forever. And neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect will have any power whatsoever to take it back. That is how serious it is. I've read the treaty. I've seen this stuff about [world] government and climate debt and enforcement. They are going to do this to you whether you like it or not.”
Watch him make his powerful concluding remarks in this U-Tube Video (4 minutes).
What happens in Australia and USA in the next few weeks is crucial. If the warmist wing of the Liberal Party, in an attempt to postpone their own dismissal, allows Rudd to arrive in Copenhagen waving the Ration-N-Tax Scheme bill like peace-in-our-time Chamberlain returning from his compromise with Hitler, Australians will give great comfort to the green mafia pushing the US senate to do the same.

It is all about the power to tax and the power to control.
“When the government takes this amount of power from the people
Pat Wadley.
We must reject the Ration-N-Tax Scheme and keep rejecting it no matter what the political consequences. Ordinary people are looking for that sort of leadership.
When all of this collapses, they will not be gentle with the Climate Chamberlains.
The Tide Turning


The Penny Drops at the BBC
“One thing is for sure. It seems the debate about what is causing global warming is far from over.
“Indeed some would say its hotting up.”
Paul Hudson, BBC News, 10 October 2009.
 If even the BBC can smell the coming storm of global cooling on global warming, surely the ABC cannot be far behind?
Viv Forbes
October 2009
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