Learning from History


Coal and oil are the key ingredients that have lifted much of mankind from a Stone Age existence to a world of comfort and plenty never before seen.
The Greens would have us close every coal mine and coal power station and their policies would also close most of our oil and metal refineries. And they will subsidise and mandate stupid alternative energy schemes whose main effect will be to boost backup gas consumption, increase electricity charges and increase network instability.
We should be careful what we wish for. Not long ago humans were using wooden ploughs and all energy came from biofuels like wood and dung. Labour was cheap but food was scarce and expensive. Life was “nasty, brutish and short”. Is this the green future? Have a look at a new article entitled:
“Coal & Oil Built our World, Feed our People & Saved the Whales and the Forests.”
You can download a print ready pdf from:
Please spread it around. Print and give to kids, parents, grandkids, teachers, media and politicians. Send as an attachment to friends, or as a link to a wider distribution. We are in a war and the enemy has infiltrated everything. There is nothing inevitable about progress and prosperity. As Cuba, North Korea and many others have shown, destruction is far easier than construction. This is a battle for ideas, and lovers of science, freedom and enterprise are losing.
Crocodile Tears about Cropping Land
The Greens have been very active pretending a concern for farmers faced with intrusions for gas and coal exploration and development. Once they have used the farmers to help destroy the carbon extraction industries, farmers will become the next target for Green destruction.
The Green-ALP Coalition ruling Queensland has thus proposed a ban on all development in what they call “Strategic Cropping Land”. Just like their vegetation bans, landowners were not consulted, land was not inspected, it was all done by spy satellite pictures.
For a comment on yet another silly policy advancing a deep green agenda see:
Oil Spills – Myths and Reality
The Green Agenda relies on scares and crises to promote its agenda. “Global Warming” is the preferred scare to kill coal.
For the Deep Greens, a good oil spill is a godsend, with lots of pictures of mucky sand and dying pelicans. No doubt oil spills are destructive of wildlife and local industry. However, oil is a natural product that has seeped into oceans for millennia. Left alone, the natural environment always copes with it. 
For a series of articles on Myths and Realities of a number of great oil spills see:
Cosmic rays control clouds control earth temperature.
Have a look at this excellent short video. The sun via cosmic rays and clouds, not invisible carbon dioxide, is a major controller of earth’s temperature. Listen:
The Election
The Greens won the election.
First they formed a Coalition of Convenience with the gullible ALP. That ensured them a preferred position to receive ALP preferences and also a strong voice in ALP policy.
Next the Liberal/National Coalition, looking at the short term rather than the long term, gave the Greens preference over the ALP in some crucial elections. This put some dangerous Greens into Parliament.
Then the electorate, angry with Labor but not excited by the LNP, decided to sit on the fence by voting Green or Independent.
Then the venal independents tried with some success to blackmail both the ALP and the LNP into accepting elements of radical green policy on global warming.
Finally, some influential deep greens within the LNP Coalition became emboldened by the election results.
So the war on coal, oil, mining, farming and industry is going to get far worse before it gets better. Carbon taxes, permits, bans and rationing schemes are in store. These will have no beneficial effect whatsoever on the climate, but will kill jobs, raise costs, and cause shortages.
Greens and Reds now Rule in Oz
Greens and Reds now rule in Oz
Our wealth will soon be gone because
The lessons learnt in history
Are not a blinkin' mystery
Socialistic systems fail
Fill in forms or go to jail
Such governments are doomed to crash
Wake up Oz, or we'll be trash
Jock McPoet 7 Sept 2010
We are in for interesting times.
Viv Forbes
“Carbon Sense” is a newsletter produced by the Carbon Sense Coalition, an Australian based organisation which opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food.
Please spread “Carbon Sense” around.
For more information visit our web site at www.carbon-sense.com
Literary, financial or other contributions to help our cause are welcomed.
The Carbon Sense Coalition, MS 23, Rosewood   Qld   4340   Australia.    
 info@carbon-sense.com           07 5464 0533
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