The greatest scam the world has ever known-letter to Editor


The Editor ,          
After thousands of hours of research,  after thousands of pages of information from universities, research establishments, and hundreds of well qualified scientists, there can only be one conclusion. Those who initially declared that the world was warming, were telling us lies!
Those scientists, who occupied positions of trust, convinced other scientists and world politicians that a great catastrophe was about to occur.
For quite some time, very few in the news media could appreciate that many scientific establishments could, and did, rely on extra grants from universities and governments to pursue their pet section of science.
Many scientists were only too happy to examine those subjects which were dear to the hearts of the politicians; in fact, any one who had control of the purse. Millions of dollars were thrown at those scientists.
New Zealand has been the exception to the rule. New Zealand politicians fell for the advice coming from NIWA and the N.Z. Royal Society. 
They claimed they had ROBUST proof that we should be taxed on the amount of carbon being emitted into the atmosphere. 
They bought into law the evil E.T.S. legislation.
It is already quite evident that the lower income citizens will be more  penalised, in proportion to income, than anyone else.
Not once has any politician been able to produce proof to me  that what they claim is true.
No scientist has been able to produce proof.
What Nick Smith and other politicians tell me, is that they have ROBUST proof. 
What was most distressing, was that much of the information was being ADJUSTED in transit. By the time the information finally reached world governments, it was distorted and completely untrue. That is how our politicians received and accepted it without question.
About that time (November 2008) I wrote and pointed this out to John Key and Nick Smith and several other politicians. It is obvious they ignored the warning.
The original information was sent from world climate stations to the Climate Research Station (C.R.U.) set up by the University of East Anglia. This information was correlated and sent to the I.P.C.C.; a group set up by the U.N. to report periodically to the U.N. 
The C.E.O. of the C.R.U was stood down while vigorous research was conducted.
Scientists from the U.N. left because they could not believe the information being released to world governments.
The scientific world was in turmoil as many senior members refuted the claims being made. All round the world, Climate Exchanges were set up and began trading in Carbon Credits.  
New Zealand of course is on the band wagon with its own exchange.
   Gradually, scientists began to speak out against this evil scam; gradually it became only too evident that billions of dollars were going down the gurgler with the only advantage going to those trading. The Chicago exchange dropped 50 percent on Aug 31stDeutche bank has ceased to trade credits.
the largest utility in Europe has ceased to buy and sell carbon credits. Al Gore is now a billionaire after trading. Who is keeping this scam going? Politicians and big business!
On 31st Aug , the Mail Newspaper said:   “ UN climate experts overstated dangers; Keep your noses out of politics, scientists told.”
30 th Aug . Fox News said: “ Independent Audit panel Slams U.Ns. Climate group (I.P.C.C)"
 31 Aug.   Daily Express:   “Climate Change lies are exposed." 
Many other world news media now disperse the trut . Is N.Z. the only country unaware of the truth?
      All over the world, scientists are refuting the claims of global warming. Climate Change is the credible alternative as the world has been having periods of cooling and warming for millions of years and there is every indication that it will continue.
How long will our government continue with this evil tax?
They can double, or more, the tax being taken in this gigantic scam by a simple caucus declaration.
Speak out now before it is too late. Don’t forget; National, Labour and the Greens all support it.
 Malcolm R


Are newspapers going to finally expose this scam?


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