Sunset for Subsidies.

21 July 2010

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an end to the massive subsidies distorting all energy markets in the name of global warming.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that if Julia Gillard was honest in her support for a sustainable Australia, she should start dismantling the five unsustainable industries created by climate subsidies.
Forbes explained:
“Today’s buzz word is “sustainable”.
“A sustainable industry cannot rely on government subsidies, market mandates or special deals.
“Warmists and subsidy entrepreneurs have created five unsustainable industries in gullible and guilt stricken western economies – carbon sequestration, ethanol, solar/wind power, carbon forestry and the climate change industry
“Carbon geo-sequestration is the idea that we can alter global temperature by burying the carbon dioxide produced by industry. It is totally without merit yet consumes billions of dollars from taxpayers and shareholders.
“The production of ethanol motor fuel from food producing land may be sustainable in some special circumstances, but has been bloated into obesity by subsidies and mandates. It has also cut food production. It should be cut loose to stand or fall in the open market.
“The next unsustainable industry created with bipartisan support is solar/wind power. These energy sources are useful in certain circumstances but generation of network electricity is not one of them. They should be weaned off the subsidy teat.
“Carbon credits and re-growth clearing bans are creating another parasitic industry – the growth of carbon forests. These are also destroying food production and will de-populate country towns but provide zero long term effect on carbon dioxide levels.
“Finally, climate change regulation, research and summiteering has become a mega-dollar, multi-national industry fed almost entirely on tax payer funds.
“Instead of government nannies lecturing us on which cars, light bulbs and appliances to buy, they should relieve tax payers and consumers of the dead weight of all five subsidy-sucking industries.
“All over the world, governments are waking up to the enormous cost and questionable benefits from all the climate subsidies. Australia need not repeat their costly mistakes.
“The sun is setting on the subsidy society.”
Viv Forbes
Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition


Skeptical books – the trickle becomes a flood.
Green Hell: How Deep Greens Plan to Control your Life
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The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Hilarious
Zero Carbon Emissions by 2020 – prices for firewood and candles to boom.
The Green fairy visited Canberra in June 2010 to leave a detailed blueprint for closing every coal and gas fired power station by 2020 – just 10 years away.

“The Zero Carbon Australia (ZCA) report is the culmination of 12 months of pro bono work by engineers, scientists and postgraduate university students, performing the research that no Australian government has been prepared to undertake. The result is a truly innovative collaboration the likes of which has never been seen before in Australia.”

(In fact powering an advanced industrial urban society on sunbeams and sea breezes has never been seen anywhere in the world.)
So if you intend to vote Deep Green in this election, make sure you buy some winter woollies and stock up on firewood and candles.
Emissions Trading Scheme reverses Global Warming in New Zealand.
New Zealand introduced an Emissions trading Scheme on 1st July 2010 to combat global warming.
It is working already. The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research said the past few days had seen some of the lowest temperatures on record. Air temperatures in Taumarunui, in the central North Island, dipped to -6.8C this week, the coldest since records began in 1947. (This cooling effect was so effective that temperatures in Longreach and Isisford in far away Queensland dropped to the lowest since records began up to100 years ago.)
However New Zealand temperatures rose again quickly as the New Zealand Climate Change Minister found himself in hot water with NZ farmers:
New Danger – Sunset Change
For some time now scientists in Canberra have observed that sunsets have been occurring earlier each evening. If this is allowed to go on unchecked, we will soon be left in total darkness. We must act now. Full story at:
NASA’s New Goal – better relations with the Muslim world.
Recently CSIRO decided that promoting global warming propaganda was one of its new goals.
NASA (the US organisation that once put man on the moon) has gone one better – NASA chief Charles Bolden said in a recent interview (July 2010) that his "foremost" mission is “to improve relations with the Muslim world”. Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said “better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel."
“Carbon Sense” is a newsletter produced by the Carbon Sense Coalition, an Australian based organisation which opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food.
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