Letter to Waikato Times from Ben W 15 June 2010

Prince Charles' opinions of science and the environment (WT 15/06/10) demonstrate clearly why high profile people such as himself need to stick to their roles and stay out of matters which they know little about.
It seems that sixty odd years of having a silver spoon in his mouth have left him so far out of touch with reality that his comments are little more than comical. Were it not for Galileo and pioneering scientists like him, we would all still be living in caves.
It is staggering that all of us in some way owe our comfort, long lifespans and in some cases our very lives to the advances which mankind has made in all areas of science, yet so many are turning against such advances because of the fallacy of man-made climate change. 
The Prince and other high profile celebrities moralizing to us about how we should cut back on consumption do so from a position of security as carbon taxes and their effects will have little or no effect on their luxurious lifestyles. It would be interesting to see how much support they gave were their livelihoods and futures dependant on the very sciences and industries they condemn.
Mankind owes a debt of gratitude to science and engineering the likes of which environmentalism will never come close to.
Ben W
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