To the Christchurch Press from Michael D


The Editor
Christchurch Press
Dear Sir
Global Warming
I care about the environment but government's call to stop climatechange is ludicrous. Climate change is a natural occurrence. Didn't the earth warm after various ice ages?
The evidence of distorted figures continues to ominously unfold. The science is far from settled. 31,000 Scientists deny that man made CO2 is responsible for climate change.
Saying 30 odd countries have an ETS system is another information distortion. It’s the EU and us. No one will have an ETS as comprehensive as ours. National arrogantly thinks it is wonderful to lead such a great cause. The rest of the world think we are a joke. We will have a 100% ETS. The EU will have a 6% ETS, or some minor fraction. In the end the whole world swindle will have to collapse and won't we look so very very stupid.
The cost of a comprehensive ETS for us would soon be over ten billion dollars annually.
 A huge tax grab.  
Sheep farmers know you only need to get one sheep to jump over the cliff or go through the gate and the rest follow.
Are New Zealanders a mob of sheep?
From a previously loyal national supporter.

Michael J H D

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