The ETS. What's it all about, JK?

Kiwi Party Press release 30 May 2010

Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock will lead a peaceful demonstration to call for the deferral of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) outside the National Party regional conference in Waitangi today.
Two weeks ago at a similar gathering in Hamilton, the National party delegates unanimously passed a remit that called for the delay of the ETS. A similar remit is believed to be on the agenda at the Northland regional conference.

"In fact," said Mr Baldock, "it would seem there is considerable opposition within the National membership to the crazy ETS going ahead, but democracy does not seem to be very healthy within the party.

"The Prime Minister is intent on proceeding and no one can really explain why!

"The ETS tax increases of 3.5 cents on petrol and diesel and 5% increase in energy prices will filter through the economy to increases in most goods and services and will compound the effect of the increase in GST taking effect in October. This will increase inflationary pressure on our economy and no doubt lead to hikes in the OCR that will flow on to affect those with mortgages. Hardly a recipe for a healthy economy!

"And this comes from a government that promises lower taxes, and business friendly policies.

"All I can say is with friends like the National party, farmers and other businesses in this country may conclude they don't need any other enemies.

"Surely this is not about all of us paying for John Key's future job application at the UN in the same way we paid for Helen Clark's," said Mr Baldock.

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