From Donald Offwood to The Press

27 May 2010

The Editor,                                                     
The Press,
Dear Sir,
Your editorial today begs for response on a few facts. While the IPCC has been raising a fear of global warming by using computer models, other scientists have been measuring the facts and have found no, or miniscule, sea level rise over the last 30 years and global cooling since 1998. Sadly, there is now a complete disconnect between the science and the politics. Whatever the true science position, it is certainly very clear that our rush to pass the ETS laws last year was misguided and we should postpone or repeal them until the actual scientific measurements are more widely reported. A BBC survey has found that only 26% of UK residents believe climate warming is happening or caused by man. It is the sun that drives our climate and it always has been, and the sun has entered a quiet time which is likely to give us climate cooling for about 30 years. It is extremely inappropriate to activate huge economic disruption on our country’s agriculture or transport to send money to the Third World for the sake of questionable IPCC forecasts. This government puts itself at peril with its supporters.
Yours sincerely,
Donald Offwood
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