Minister Smith Adds Insult To ETS Injury

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Monday, May 31 2010

As though it were not bad enough that National continues to mislead New Zealanders about the true cost of the ETS, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith has now insulted the men and women of our Defence Force - past and present - by trying to compare the ETS with our war efforts in Gallipoli and Afghanistan, ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

"Dr Smith has added insult to injury, and his comments betray National's desperation to win support for the ETS in the face of overwhelming opposition throughout the country - even from within the National Party ranks," Mr Boscawen said.

"According to Dr Smith, both the ETS and our war efforts are examples of New Zealand's tradition of doing our fair share.  But the two are incomparable: the ETS is a flawed initiative that will achieve absolutely nothing, while our contributions during the two world wars and in Afghanistan are New Zealand's contributions to upholding freedom.

"The ETS is an unjustifiable tax that will hurt the economy and impose a significant cost burden on New Zealand families - and National knows it.  If it were genuinely justifiable, there would be no need to mislead the public about its true cost - or for Dr Smith to try to tenuously link it to our proud military history in an attempt to get the nation onside.

"It's time National faced reality and scrapped the ETS - or, at the very least, delayed its implementation.  First, however, Dr Smith should retract his comments and apologise," Mr Boscawen said.

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