Letter to Timaru Herald from Malcolm R

The Editor, 
  Ain't  history wonderful when it is recorded ? On 10 May , 2005 , Hansard recorded the following from  John  Key .
"On behalf of the National Party I give you the good news , that the climate change amendment bill is a load of rubbish and the National Party will not be supporting it for very good reasons  '.
He goes on to say ,"putting a self imposed straitjacket on our businesses and saying to foreign investment , don't come near us . "  "this is a complete and utter hoax ."
Was he supported by other National Party M.Ps?. See Nick Smith's comments about the same time .
Our now Prime Minister has done a complete  U  turn. Let him produce the proof that has convinced him!  Has he got proof , or is he continuing with this evil plan so that some can make massive amounts of money by investing in this global scam? Maori Forestry ????
Malcolm  R.    
Timaru .
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