Media release by the Major Electricity Users’ Group (MEUG)

Review of ETS timing is needed  

“The announcement yesterday by the Australian Government of a significant delay to an ETS in Australia is a game-changing event that will impact every NZ householder and business” said Ralph Matthes, Executive Director of the Major Electricity Users’ Group (MEUG).

“To continue implementing the NZ ETS as if nothing has happened is simply putting ones head in the sand.  Government needs to assess the situation now and not wait to review the situation next year.

“MEUG notes as a result of the Australian decision, NZ households and businesses will from 1st July this year be paying approximately $240m per annum more for their electricity because of the NZ ETS than Australian households and businesses.

“We agree with the comments by Alasdair Thompson of EMA (Northern) on Radio NZ Morning Report today that one of the options the Government needs to urgently consider is delaying implementation of the ETS.  Doing nothing or deferring to a review next year or later is not the response needed to this game-changing decision by the Australians” concluded Mr Matthes.


28 April 2010

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