ETS off the agenda until late next term

Sydney Morning Herald

April 27, 2010 - 3:00AM

THE Rudd government has shelved its emissions trading scheme for at least three years in a bid to defuse Tony Abbott's "great big new tax" attack in this year's election campaign.

The cabinet's strategic priorities and budget committee has removed the scheme from the four-year forward estimates, a decision that saves $2.5 billion because household and industry compensation would have exceeded the revenue generated by the scheme in its early years.

The Herald understands the government has decided not to start the scheme before 2013 at the earliest, hoping that by then it will have gained support from the Coalition and international efforts to combat climate change will have become clearer.

After the Coalition leadership coup shattered the bipartisan deal on the carbon pollution reduction scheme in December, some environment groups hoped the government would include it as a trigger in a possible double dissolution election so that later it could be passed at a joint sitting of Parliament, or that the government would try to renegotiate the bills with the Coalition or the Greens if it won a second term in a normal half Senate poll.

And the Greens are technically still negotiating with the Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, over a "compromise" plan to get the scheme through before the election.

But as debate rages within the government over political strategy on climate change, the Herald has learnt it has decided to put the scheme on ice to undercut the "great big new tax" scare campaign, particularly after the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference and uncertainty over the fate of the US emissions trading scheme.

Labor will insist it still believes an ETS is the best way to reduce emissions but will cite domestic and international pressures as making it impossible to introduce in the short term. The scheme had been due to begin with a carbon tax next year, moving to full trading in 2012.

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, maintained his theoretical support for the ETS in an interview with the Herald last week, saying "on the question of climate change policy our policy hasn't changed. We maintain our position that this is part of the most efficient and the most effective means by which we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions with least cost to the economy."

But the government is preparing a range of energy-efficiency policies - based on advice from its new energy-efficiency taskforce - to demonstrate its environmental credentials in the absence of an ETS.

A spokesman for Senator Wong said yesterday: "The blocking of the CPRS legislation by the opposition has caused delays and created uncertainties which will of course affect the budget treatment of the CPRS."

A poll by the Climate Institute think tank released yesterday showed those trusting Mr Rudd most on climate change fell from 46 per cent last year to 36 per cent in April, and the proportion of voters believing there was no difference between the two leaders rose from 37 per cent to 40 per cent over the same time.

The new government positioning and time pressures mean the legislation incorporating the now-defunct deal with Malcolm Turnbull is unlikely to be brought back to the Senate.

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