To John Key from Neil H 7 April 2010

 Dear Prime Minister

You are so slow to wake up!! Today you are quoted in the NZ Herald as saying “Despite concerns from businesses the [ETS] introduction was likely to go ahead in July”.
At least you have the word ‘likely’ in there, suggesting there is still hope your senses may return before it is too late!!
I questioned you at a meeting in Gisborne in July 2009 about the ETS, and was assured you would not harm the economy. You answer was much too smooth and slick to convince me of anything other than the fact that you  were not someone I would trust. Events have done nothing to make me reassess that view.
You rushed your ETS amendments through under urgency so you could brag at Copenhagen even though we knew Copenhagen would produce nothing and that no one else would have an ETS as far reaching as ours, thus violating your election promise we would not be a world leader.
Climategate and all its sequels have raised huge questions over the validity of claims of dangerous global warming.
The man at the centre of Climategate, Phil Jones, has admitted he got it wrong by conceding the climate has not warmed significantly since 2005.
Now news has come through that Arctic Ice levels are increasing and are at the maximum extent since 2001. This has prompted Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) to admit the Centre’s 2007 conclusions that global warming had pushed the Arctic to a tipping point from which it might not recover was, in retrospect, an over-statement.
You have said in the past that perception is reality. The reality is that the vast majority of New Zealanders have woken up that there is no dangerous global warming. You also need to awaken to reality. The reality is you need to admit you over estimated the response needed by New Zealand to align it with the rest of the world. You need to stand up and admit it and you need to delay the ETS immediately. The longer you wait the more foolish you are making yourself look.
Yours faithfully
Neil Henderson


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