To John Key from Gareth W 15 March 2010

Good Afternoon, Mr Prime Minister,

I have just received an e-mail from GNS with their current news letter. That newsletter indicates that currently Ngauruhoe is producing some 23.6 tones of CO2 per day for an area of 46,600m2. This indicates that over the year, that single volcano will produce some 8614 tonnes of CO2. 
I live just outside of Helensville, on a small 12.5 acre block. Currently we have about 5 cattle, 2 sheep and 5 horses. Using the carbon calculator from
 I calculate we are producing some 12 tonnes of CO2. So it would take us some 717 years to produce the amount of CO2 that Ngauruhoe will produce in one year. Seems insignificant doesn't it.
Kind Regards
Gareth W
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