To John Key from Les H 25 November 2009

Hi John
We are wondering whether you have been briefed on the major scandal (dubbed “Climategate”) that has enveloped the Hadley Centre (University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit) over the last few days, whereby 61 megabytes of hacked data and emails has been posted on the internet.

This information appears to show unequivocally “that scientists manipulated data to bolster their argument that global warming is genuine and is being caused by human actions.”

Should scientists falsifying the data for IPCC reports be found to be correct – and the damning emails certainly appear to be genuine – then the underlying rationale for the ETS, the Kyoto Protocol, and all other global warming based policies, will be seen to be baseless at best, and fraudulent at worst...

Further, the reports on ETS costings would appear to indicate every family of four in NZ will have a ETS cost of some $8000 per annum... This figure equates with 25% of the average wage which would indicate our business will have to meet significant demands for wage increases to cover this cost...
My question is: How do we do this and still remain competitive in our export markets?...
Our main export opportunity is within Australia, who, appear to be showing some sense by rejecting any ETS program in the Senate...
Maybe, we also need a Senate to get some common sense into this discussion... 
Your government received my vote because I believed you would ensure 'common sense prevailed' in this attempted fraudulent UN tax on wealthy nations or at best, continued misguided efforts to prove the science is conclusive in the "man made global warming' debate... Whether your government returns to power at the next election will be decided by your actions on this subject, before the end of this year...


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