Two Letters to The Press from a Climate Realist


30 October 2009
The Editor,
The Press.
Dear Sir,
An article in today’s Press suggest your readers may be becoming confused and depressed with all the negative talk about global warming. Perhaps a few positive facts from Professor Ian Plimer, School of Earth and Environment Sciences, Adelaide, will help them feel better. 
While the earth warmed 0.8 of a degree last century, it has cooled 0.2 of a degree in the last 10 years, following exactly, as it always has throughout history, the reduced activity of the sun. CO2 levels have been up to 8,000 ppm and life has gone on-plants thrive on increased CO2 and he reports no correlation between temperature changes and CO2 levels. The earth has been a lot warmer and a lot cooler and animal and plant life has continued. In summary, global warming is a hoax and the earth is now in a long cooling phase. The politicians and their tax are the real worry.
Yours sincerely,
 Donald O


4 November 2009
The Editor,
The Press.
Dear Sir,
In reply to David Beach’s concern about from Professor Ian Plimer, School of Earth and Environment Sciences, Adelaide University having a different view on global warning/cooling to his Dr Brett Parris of Monash University, I would say that that is the essence of the dilemma lay men and tax payers face – the experts are evenly split on the direction and causes of climate change. Perhaps David should view Lord Monckton’s speech of last month at As politicians have hijacked the science, we are foolhardy to rush into drastic action on carbon credits (tax) until the science really is settled. It is my opinion that we should only send observers to Copenhagen who are instructed to sign nothing and only report back to us, the tax payers. 
Yours sincerely,
 Donald O
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