To John Key from Les H 1 November 2009

Hi John
It will never cease to amaze me that vested interest involved in this man made climate change fiasco, including the Greens, United Nations and now our current government (based on the ETS proposals to be taken to Copenhagen) can continue to promote and endeavour to enforce a 'carbon' tax regime on the world when science together with satellite and ocean sensor observations in place since 1978 are telling us the period from 1998 to the present day, is showing a climate and ocean temperature reduction in real terms... And also indicates this climate temperature reversal will likely eliminate all (natural) warming identified to 1998 developing into a climate cooling cycle extending through the next decade...

Further, how can any increase in 'life giving Co2' -  especially from the current 280ppm to 379ppm   identified in 2005 (which has been blamed on mankind's efforts by the misguided) be a problem when, during the last ice age, C02 was determined from core samples at a level of 7000ppm and has been regularly measured at 1000 through 4000ppm during the interim, without any temperature change affecting mankind being realised since the last ice-age...

And that was before any possible man-made "industrial revolution" effect which, the warming enthusiast would now have us believe, global taxation will eliminate ...

My question, when has increasing tax revenue stopped anything from falling down?... Let alone, prop up the sky and save the world... With apologies to the author of the child's fairy tale "Chicken Liken! ...  Indeed, the additional cost to NZ of signing Copenhagen agreement is forecast for an average family of four, to be in excess of $8200 per annum before tax,  which will certainly bring down our economy, no doubt, returning us to the stone age existence our forefathers found on their arrival in this great country... And that should please 'Global Greens' who apparently, can find joy and satisfaction at the thought of everyone living the 'simple' life thereby, protecting Mother Earth, that is, except for them of course!

In conclusion, should New Zealand wish to be recognised as a 'world leader' then let us be recognised for standing for the truth in regard to climate science and reject the myth of "man-made global warming." Then, take the lead by working against international vested interest who, would have us believe "the science is settled and to save the world, we must be globally taxed - to their (organisations) benefit!"

John, we look to you and your government to provide this leadership...



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