To the Select Committee from Alan R 1 October 2009


 Climate Change and Global Warming

 I am writing to you as I am concerned that the direction Parliament is taking in promoting an ETS

that will cause enormous economic damage to New Zealand as a whole, it will drive many of our

citizens to poverty and bankrupt the New Zealand economy. From my letter below, you will see

that the evidence for global warming being man made does not exist.



-- Please take note of that there is no man made contribution to global warming; there is a

complete lack of good scientific evidence for this.

-- Please take note of the reasonable concern of the farmers and many other businesses that will

be driven to the wall if an ETS or carbon taxes are imposed

-- Repeal the legislation proposing to institute an Emissions Trading Scheme

-- Resist the strident noises from the green community pushing a mantra of 40% reduction in

carbon emissions by 2020. Although sincere, their demands are based on shonky science.

The Parliamentary web site on climate change opens with the statement "Scientists have become

increasingly concerned since the 1970s that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere from human activities are raising temperatures and destabilising the Earth’s climate


There is an immediate error in this statement, as there are thousands of climate scientists who

disagree entirely with this unproven view. I have a list of 796 climate scientists who have signed a

declaration vigorously speaking against all the conclusions of the IPCC, and of a further 567

qualified people who are in agreement with the 796 scientists. I am aware of other lists of hundreds

of other climate qualified scientists who also strongly disagree with the IPCC interpretation of

selected facts. I have viewed a summary of replies responding to a scientific questionnaire asking

"was the Kyoto Agreement based on good science?" The answer from the world scientific

community was a resounding NO!, with over 32,000 signatures collected.

There is NOT the "strong evidence that this (increase in CO2 in the atmosphere) has caused an

increase in average global temperature" that is claimed on the website; that is an IPCC claim that

is unsustainable from a scientific basis. There is abundant good scientific evidence to show that:-

(a) The earth is now cooling, and has been for the last 10 years. Look at the world temperature

graph below produced by the Hadley Centre (the official UK met office). Despite the Hadley Centre

being an ardent promoter of AGW, their temperature graph shows world cooling. All world

temperature graphs now show that the world has been cooling for 10 years.

(b) There is no scientific evidence to show that the increase in world temperatures up to 1998 was

caused or even contributed to by any man made means such as burning fuel. There is NO

scientific evidence that any prior warming of the earth was man made, ie. was anthropogenic

global warming. The tiny increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last few hundred

years has an extremely small effect (on whatever) as carbon dioxide is less than 4% of the so

called green house gasses. The largest part of the so called greenhouse gasses is water vapour,

and the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is dependent on the solar cycle. The possible

effect of the tiny change in CO2 is therefore swamped by changes in the amount of other so called

greenhouse gasses.

(c) There is good scientific evidence to show that the small increase in CO2 in the atmosphere has

been caused by an increase in solar activity. Evidence in scientific papers, with graphs of solar

activity and atmospheric CO2, show the CO2 content starting to increase some years after an

increase in solar activity, and decreasing also some years after solar activity decreases. This

shows that the CO2 in the atmosphere is a response to the solar activity, it follows (not leads) solar

activity, and it is NOT a cause of atmospheric warming. However, there is an IPCC graph that

transposes the CO2 and solar activity lines, trying to indicate that CO2/warming comes before the

increase in solar activity. This IPCC graph has received huge criticism from climate scientists as it

is a blatant distortion of the facts.

Many climate scientists have written papers concluding that the climate has changed and always

will, and that there is no evidence whatsoever for a human contribution to climate change.

Common sense supports this. You would probably agree with the following examples from

common sense.

(d) The scientific community has told us over many years of ice ages and warm periods in the

past, thousands of years before man could have had any effect on the worlds atmosphere. Cave

men had no motor cars or coal burning power stations, but they experienced ice ages and warm

periods. What we see in climate change now is merely a continuation of the normal earthly


(e) You will remember the beautiful red sky sunsets and sun rises that we saw in New Zealand for

a couple of years starting in 1991. These were caused by particles in the atmosphere from the

eruptions of Mt Pinatubo, the volcano in the Philippines. Although causing these beautiful sunsets,

the particles also reflected some of the suns heat away from the earth, causing global cooling, and

it was predicted by scientists that if this persisted for some years, it would cause global cooling of 2

degrees, which would cause another ice age. Fortunately the volcano stopped erupting and no ice

age appears to be in the making from that cause.

There are many other sound reasons supporting the "non AGW" causes of climate change. All of

the "people and economy" damaging changes proposed to counter the non-existent problem of

AGW (such as ETS or carbon trading) should therefore be ABANDONED NOW.

Yours sincerely

Alan R



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