To Various MP's from Elaine W 26th August 2009


Dear Ministers: -
Simon Power, Shane Ardern, Chester Burrows, Craig Foss, Nathan Guy,
Louise Upston & Anne Tolley, Chris Tremain, David Carter.
Enclosed is material regarding the mobile Green Rig that is under the financial management of our Horizons Regional Council and is currently touring around the countryside visiting our schools.
I belong to a Taumarunui Farmers Group 2008 who initially came together to submit against the One Plan and while deliberations are still on going, we are also mindful of our children and the future of agriculture.
We see the material that has been displayed, discussed and handed to schools for further studies, is totally unacceptable and indoctrinating our young against the act of farming. 
We also see this as undermining our economy and bordering on treason against
New Zealand. The stress of farming under today’s economic strain is demoralising enough without our Horizons Regional Council further compounding the situation by using our rate money against us for the Green Rig creating a, them & us environment.
I urge you to please read the material and have some serious discussion over the honest value of these mobile predators – ( Fonterra Science Show Bus included).
It is hoped that the outcome is a resolution:
 That…. because of the impossible continued control and potential harm caused by misguided content of displays, work sheets and verbal discussions,  all mobile units like  the Green Rig be banned from schools total.

Elaine W

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